This is the start! xXX Started by: Emma OD

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  • Emma OD 4

    After doing loads and loads of research I was recommended MYA. I finally called to see about have my boob’s done. (After 3 beautiful daughters there is not much boob left)
    I spoke to a lovely girl on the phone and asked what the process was from this phone call to having the op.
    She said……
    1st visit pc
    2nd visit surgeon
    3rd visit nurse for pre op
    4th visit op.
    She asked what clinic I would be wanting to go to and I told her Preston. (That is closest to me)
    She explained that Preston was only the hospital for the op and that I would have to attend Manchester for the consultations and pre op.
    After explaining how far away I am from Manchester she said ” let’s see what we can do, I’m going to email the clinic at Manchester and ask them to call you.”
    After about an hour a received a call from Lauren at Manchester. I explained everything to her, when I was looking at having the op and the surgeon I was wanting to perform it. After a couple of calls back and forth I am now going to Manchester on the 14th September (I know it’s a time away but it suits me perfectly) and I’m seeing Lauren then Mr. Traynor then the nurse for my pre op all in one afternoon with my surgery booked for 13th October at Preston!
    I am so grateful for this. I couldn’t imagine 3 trips to Manchester.
    Thank you MYA.
    I look forward to the next stag of my boob story.
    Roll on 14th September! xXx

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