THOSE WHO HAD NOTHING Started by: Lauren

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  • Lauren 4

    Those of you that had literally nothing. I.e AA or A.. what size have you been allowed and what cup size has it made you? I’m having my first consultation in a couple of weeks and trying not to have any expectations but I’ve been wondering must be a limit as such. Thankyou

    Kay 14

    Hi Lauren I had nothing was 32aaa and was asking the same I had surgery yesterday and had 250cc hp under the muscle was offered 200 225 250

    Katie 8

    Hi I’m currently a 32a booked in on the 18th August and having 400cc xx


    I was completely flat chested (literally had barely any breast tissue) and my surgeon said he would go up to 300cc’s maximum and I bloody love them, they’re perfectly in proportion to my body. I am very petite though. I was first offered 275cc’s but tried them on and instantly knew I wouldn’t be happy with the result. Not sure on cup size yet as you can’t tell with just the implant (and gotta keep your post op bra on for six weeks). I’m currently 10dpo and it’s been a breeze. I feel amazing ?

    Muz 11

    I’m a small 32A and I’m having 350cc HP unders next Thursday! So nervous as I don’t want to regret the size!


    In being too big or small hun?

    Jade 14

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    I was a 36AA before I had 425cc. I’m nearly 6 weeks post op and honestly was the best thing i ever done!

    Taylorj 7

    I was a 32A with quite a wide gap so went for 325cc mod plus profile (to close the gap). Think I’m going to be a small 32D x

    Jade 6

    I was a 32AA with barely any breast tissue, my max size I was allowed was 375cc. I’m now 4 months post op and a 32 E/F!
    I have instagram with all my photos and my before if you want to follow it!

    Heidi 217

    I was 32AA had 300cc HP unders which was the most i was allowed, now measure 32D and love them!xx

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    Emilee 2

    I’m a 32A but I’m having 450cc overs not sure what size I will be ops in September. But he suggested the 450cc I have had 3 kids and breastfed so i might be able to have a big cc because of that, has anyone had overs?? Really want to see what they look like x

    Muz 11

    Both but definitely more worried about been too small!

    Lauren 4

    So it varies quite a lot then! Hoping I’ll know more after I’ve had a consultation but just so many questions I’ve started writing a list. Any questions anyone knows to ask that might have skipped my mind?


    Do you have photos please Kay? Similar stats to me but I don’t want to be big. I’d love to know what 250cc looks like (or anything under 300 from anyone else). It’s hard to tell when looking at photos of people who started out bigger. Thanks ?

    JoC87 15

    It completely depends on your measurements as to how big you can go. Mine was 280cc and I was 32a before. I had high profile under the muscle and it’s completely enough for me I absolutely love them. I’m still in my size 6 shirts but now I have proportioned perky boobs to fill it! I imagine I’ll be a small D big C when I’m measured next week but here’s a pic of me 3 was post op

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    Chels H 2

    Hey ?

    I was an A in one boob and a B in the other. I had 400cc in my smaller boob and 250cc in the bigger one. I only had the surgery 2 days ago, but so far, I’m happy with the results. I wanted to be around a D size, but I’m not sure of the exact size yet due to only having them done.

    The surgeon should be honest with you RE what size you’re expected to go etc, and you’ll be able to try on the implants. I had high profile and over the muscle as I didn’t have much on top to start with, and my chest wall was really high, but now you can actually see that I have boobs! Even though you don’t want to go that big, there will only be a limit to your size as it is.

    Follow my insta if you like – myaba20.07.2019.

    Good luck with your decisions xx


    Did anybody understand the term”shadow”
    Just had my consultation
    I’m 32A going with 400cc

    Kay 14

    Hi Nicola I have attached photo that was morning after op in sorry don’t have a photo of before as I wasnt confident enough to share it wish I had now as the change is amazing I hope it helps as I struggled to find photos of before and after with my stats will take a new photo on Wednesday after post op appointment

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    Lara 30

    I was a 32AA, totally flat as a pancake and had hardly any breast tissue at all, size 6 tops and size 8 dresses. I have a very narrow chest, my surgeon didn’t give me a max size but I choose 375CC unders, round after trying the sizers. He choose the profile, I didn’t know about profiles until I googled implants so I went back for another consultation before my surgery to ask him, and he said mine are Ultra High Profile based on my measurements. I’m 3 days post op and they look smaller than I expected, but hard and my chest feels tight. I would have thought ultra high 375 would be fairly big, but hopefully they will look better after they drop and the muscle relaxes a bit. I was hoping for a D cup, or at least a full C

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 2 months ago by Lara 30.
    Pat Bay 4

    I was a 32A and I had 400cc HP under the muscle, I was initially going to have 375cc. Glad I changed my mind to 400cc. If you want to go a size up I think you should. Under the muscle is very tight after surgery so it will take time for your boobs to settle

    Gayle 18

    Hi, I was a 32a before and had very little tissue and muscle etc so the max I could have was 350cc hp in my right and 325cc mod+ in my left. Under the muscle. I’m 11 weeks post op now and measuring a 32D I’m a slim size 8. I can send you before and afters because it wasn’t through mya I can’t post on here x


    I was completely flat chested, not even a full 34A. I went went 450 mod plus silicone under the muscle. Going on week 3 post op. I wanted to acheive a full C

    Lauren 4

    At my 1st consultation I tried on a 400cc and 375cc to correct asymmetry and he said that should take me to a DD. Even a E in some shops and has recommended overs for me as I go to the gym 6 days a week.. I am quite broad and a size 12. It’s so hard to judge as same size implants vary so much on each person

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