Thoughts after your surgical consultation? Asymmetry/scoliosis Started by: Olive

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  • Olive 3

    hey girls! So up until now I’ve been really keen to have surgery but after my surgical consultation a few days back I’m not so sure if it’s.. The right thing to do?

    I was told I have asymmetry and scoliosis (which I was unaware of until the conSultation!) and was very clearly told that having unders would maybe look abit wide set apart.. But overs would create cleavage but I’m really not interested in the fake look. (I’m 5ft 6, 8and half stone and looking to go from 32 just a B, to around a D)

    I wasn’t exoecting this so was caught abit off guard at the info? Can anyone give any advice or anyone who has asymmetry advice what their results were like?

    Sasha 5

    Hi olive, I was told at my consultation that I have assymetry that they are going to correct with different size implant, and also have a wide low set sternum, that I’ll leave a gap between my boobs, which I already have, I struggle to get a good cleavage. My boobs are now empty from breastfeeding so I have no volume at the top. For me, having the gap in the middle will just be the same as now, and with time the implants drop and soften, that will make it easier to create cleavage. I run a lot so Ive open for unders rather than over. Who did you have your consult with? X

    Olive 3

    Hi sasha.
    It was Dr Mounir, he suggested he may have to do different sizes and would need to have 300/325 and 350cc all available on the day of the op.
    I’m just worried that there could be an obvious difference with the asymmetry, at the moment because im small it’s not noticeable.. Except ofcourse in the eyes of those in the profession. I’d hate feel lopsided or anything if I get them bigger!

    Kate 18

    Don’t worry – mine were very different sizes to start off with.. I had 350 in my left breast and 250 in my right.
    8 weeks on they look amazing, the left too longer to drop obviously as it was a smaller breast to start with and had a bigger implant in but they’re about even now – I love them so much. A-symmetry isn’t an issue and can be rectified easily 🙂 My surgeon told me to that they never would be EXACTLY the same – as that’s unnatural, nobody has boobs exactly the same size. I’m even too embarrassed to show people my before pictures, now you wouldn’t even know that they had been a-symmetrical to start off with xx

    Olive 3

    Thank you for your reply kate that’s reassuring to know 😀 xx

    Amy 265

    @olive don’t worry about the asymmetry as 50% of girls on here that I am friends with have had different sized implants to fix this problem. Did your surgeon mention partial placement opposed to the unders or overs x


    I had Mounir 5 days ago and he too told me I had asymmetry which you can see in my photos is pretty obvious from the start. He told me he would use two different sizes, but turned out in surgery the best look he got was two of the same size! they look really good now and match pretty well considering what I started with. The key to remember is perfection is unlikely with any surgery, get to the cause of what you really are hoping to achieve out of surgery, I’m guessing most of us it’s more even, bigger, Perkier boobies! which he absolutely can achieve. He’s a fantastic surgeon, I can’t recommend him highly enough. He will do his absolute best for you. 🙂 xxx

    Vanessa 56

    hey hun
    I’m having mr mounir and he pointed out my assymetry which I was blissfully unaware of to begin with.
    however, mr mounir is quite good with asymmetry mr kazzazi even recommends him as he has more experience with it.
    I have one boob sat 1 cm higher than the other and the higher one is also bigger. until he drew all over me i couldnt see it and it’s not to do with breast tissue either its my bone structure.
    He said he may use different sized implants and has ordered in 300/325/350 all in for the day. A girl on here had him and asymmetry and he even cut her a new breast crease so he may do that…
    He has to point out your asymmetry and the extent of it to avoid disappointment and upset afterwards if it is more obvious (of course when they are smaller it may be less noticeable) but he also said he will TRY and fix it but its hard to correct bone structure. I trust him compeltely to do whatever is best on the day and after weighing it up I figured if they are assymetrical now and I hate them and can’t stand them because of their size… at least if they are bigger even if I only like them in bras, its more than I do now.
    Also with my PC i was lookign at some before and afters of asymmetry and tbh the afters with asymmetry you could still see, I quite liked as it made them a bit more real and less fake looking.

    I know what you mean with unders as they are deemed the more natural look but if you look at Kate’s (above) hers still look lovely and natural and she had overs, so did Jessica!

    I for one really trust mr mounir and believe he truely wants the best outcome for me so would trust whatever size or placement he suggested. If i get there on the day and like with Jessica, he thinks the overs would work better, I trust his expertise and would go with it.

    You need to think if the potential ‘after’ asymmetry would bother you as much/ more / less than your current ‘before’ boobs now. For me I knew it would bother me far less than my tiny tots so went ahead and booked my op!

    hope this helps! xxxx


    Agree with all the above ^^ you really can trust his judgement, fantastic surgeon. 🙂

    Trace 158

    If you’re concerned about the fake look, check out @amanda25 profile, she has overs and look absolutely amazing! Not at all fake! In fact they’re lovely jublies!

    If you get a size which suits your frame and don’t push the sizes up so it really stretches your skin then you’ll be cool – your surgeon knows best : ) xx

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