Time from initial consultation to op date?? Started by: Hannah

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  • Hannah 1

    Hi girls,
    I’m very new! I’m researching at the moment but am pretty sure I am going to go with MYA for my BA.
    I was just wondering what the length of time was between your initial consultation and the day you had your op? I’m so excited about getting on my journey I just need some idea of how long it might take for planning etc! The sooner the better eh?! 😀

    Thanks in advance ladies, hope you’re all well!


    Hi Hannah, I was lucky enough to get a late space and my op was 8 days after my initial consultation, I think a lot depends on available dates and also how long you have been considering a BA, I have a younger friend with no children who is getting her BA with MYA, her op date is at the end of April and she had her initial consultation almost 3 weeks ago.


    Hey I booked my op for 2 months after my consultation due to work commitments etc. If I was able to get the time off I would have booked it for a closer date, like you said the sooner the better! haha as far as i’m aware the amount of time you want to wait for you surgery is completely up to you. If you were to book your op for very soon I’m pretty sure your PC would make sure you was completely ready and prepared 🙂 Your initial date is up to you, so long as the surgeon is free of course 🙂 hope this helped abit! xx

    Gemma -1

    Hiya hun I had my initial consultation 8th Jan, Met Surgeon on 15th Pre Op 22nd and then had surgery 18th Feb xx

    phoenix 1

    Hi Hannah, I was lucky enough to see the coordinator, nurse and surgeon on the same day which was 8 days before my op (had my BA on Tuesday). When you book your appointment/consultation you could always ask about any late spaces. Like you said…..The sooner the better If you’ve already decided on having it done. xx

    Whitney 1

    3 week for me with late space x

    Hannah 1

    Thank you all for your responses! I’ve been waiting to have a BA for about 7 years now! And now that I can I am so excited!

    Thanks again, hope you’re all well and the upcoming ops are fab!

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