Time off work Started by: Shona

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  • Shona

    Hey Ladies!

    I was just wondering what everyone had done in terms of time off work?
    I’m having BA and Lipo and have a desk job so I know I will need a week off.

    I’m worried because I didn’t think I would manage to get an Op date before my holiday so was going to wait till next year.. However a date came up so I booked …. But I don’t have enough holidays now to take a week off ?

    Did anyone get a sickline or anything like that? How did you go about it ?
    And if so do you have to tell your work what you had done or would it mention it on your sickline ?

    Thanks so much for nay help ladies !!xxxx

    Leah Rodgers 23

    I’m v unsure with this one. I have holiday days so I have just booked it off, you’ll have to talk to your work to see if it can go down as sick days, with it being a desk job though you won’t need more than a week off hun:) you’ll be good and running! X

    Dazzelea 92

    My nurse said that they can write you a sick note and not have to write why iyoir off just that you had a procudure done .or You can self certyoulf for a week and say you’ve got a chest infectionhow would they no xx


    @dazzelea .. if the nurse wrote a sickline though would it mention anything about Mya or anything like that on it? Just because I’m assuming it would the be a bit obvious ?xxxx


    @leah Rodgers I know I wish I knew sooner because I would have definitely kept holidays! Was just so last minute … and I was off sick in January so was just worried about being off again so would have rathered a sick line but not if it mentioned why lol xxxx

    Charlie 3

    I just said I’m having an operation on this date, my recovery time is …. & i don’t think they can not authorise it. Then if they need any notes mya will provide a doctors one for the first week then if you need more time you’d have to go to your gp.
    I’m a dog groomer and currently still off and I took 3 weeks, 1 week hol and 2 weeks authorised sickness x


    if the nurse wrote a sickline though would it mention anything about Mya or anything like that on it? Just because I’m assuming it would the be a bit obvious ?xxxx
    Read more at https://www.mya.co.uk/mya-space/mya-forums/topic/time-off-work-43/#vmh1PjHfzRODcp4X.99

    Dazzelea 92

    I don’t think so Shona it would be just like a sick note from your doctor xx

    Claire 10

    I’ve booked just over a week off – op on Friday and go back the next Tuesday so be 11dpo when i go back. Heard most people are fine by 10days po. If there’s any infections or anything it will be classed a sick extra n signed off hospital

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