Time off work for a nurse Started by: Nicky

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  • Nicky 29

    I’m just looking at much time off work I’d need, I’m a paediatric nurse so working long shifts. I’ve requested two weeks annual leave already which hopefully be granted but wondering if will need longer? scared of mentioning the procedure to management.

    Please reply as will need to request soon if recommended to have longer 🙂

    Rebekah 33

    I’m also a nurse, but told my manager about having an op didn’t go into details, because if there are complications and you need any longer off its important that they know you’re not just pulling a sickie. I was planning on using 2 weeks annual leave, but maybe a few days aswell into the following week.

    Nicky 29

    Ahh okay, I know they will want details as they are nosey like that ? yeah I was hoping to use my 4 days request after as well

    Xx..A..xX 81

    I am a nurse and had just under 3 weeks off with annual leave and shift requests..went back onto nights! I work on a heavy ward with log rolls and I was fine going back after this time but I had overs! Just felt tight for a couple of shifts xx

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