Time off work for physical busy jobs Started by: Jessica

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  • Jessica

    I’m a registered veterinary nurse and am planning on having two weeks off work to recover. I’m still a bit worried that this isn’t going to be enough time though as my job is very physically demanding and busy non stop all day sometimes. I don’t really have the option of having more time off work however so I will just have to cope but I’m just wondering if anyone has been through this and had a physically demanding job and can give some insight into how their recovery was.
    Thank you

    Lauren 9

    Hi Jessica, I work in a warehouse and is physically demanding im nearly 4 week post op I also had 2 week off work. I was still a little sore especially with movement of my arms and my chest muscles I had under the muscle implants so even now im still a little restricted on movement. Id say if your returning to work after 2 week try not to be lifting your arms up or picking anything heavy up. Other then this iv been okay. Xx

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