Time off work, new job.. Help!! Started by: charlotte c

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  • charlotte c 30

    Girls I really need your opinions ..my surgery is 18th September and I have been offered a new job meaning I would be starting 2 weeks after my surgery (4th October) I’ll have to get on the tube into London very squashed but it is an office job so no manual work etc. will I be ok after 2 weeks and 2 days to go back to work ? Panicking that I shouldn’t take this job incase I’m in no fit state to start xxx

    Danielle 13

    i was told i can go to work 7 days after, i do admin so not manual work, u should be fine though

    saffy 11

    I went to my new job 3 days post op- driving and in an office babe xx

    Rosie 29

    You’ll be fine babe. I have to travel to work everyday in London on squished trains I went back after 10 days and everything is fine xx

    charlotte c 30

    Thanks girls you’ve made me feel better , I was actually considerin not taking the job I was so worried I wouldn’t be well enough to start after 2 weeks xx

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