time scale from consultation to op.. Started by: Sophie

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  • Sophie 18


    As im waiting a little while to book my consultation as covid is wild right now i wanted to know how long it was between your first consultation – meeting your chosen surgeon – op day!

    i plan on going away this year (dont we all) id like it done before july but im not holding my breath xx

    happy boobs xxx

    Sophie 17

    Hey! I had my e consultation on 25th November, then saw a surgeon on 11th December however I was referred to a different surgeon who I saw on 18th December.
    I had my pre op with the nurse and COVID test this week and my op is on Tuesday! Any questions let me know xxx

    Abigail 4

    Hello, I had my e-consult with the surgeon on 23rd September then was supposed to have my in person surgeon consultation on 22nd October but this was rescheduled to 5th November. I then had my surgery on 11th November. Good luck and happy boob journey ☺️ x

    Jame 4

    Had my first e consultation in September
    i met my surgon in novemebrr and my op is February .

    India 6

    Think some of it depends on how fast you want to move yourself/ location! I had my consultation start of December and they offer me a date on jan 9th but going with a different surgeon on jan 23rd xxx

    Natilly 37

    This reply has been reported for inappropriate content.

    I had the first consult on the 19th of October, e-consult with the surgeon on 23rd, saw nurse and surgeon on 12th November, COVID test 7th Dec and surgery on the 12th of December!
    I could have had it sooner but I wanted it done on a weekend due to childcare and someone being able to take me to London.
    Good luck!

    Wallis 8

    I had my first consultation on the 28th November and my surgery is book of the 8th Feb πŸ™‚ xx

    Bee 42

    I booked my surgery and paid my deposit before seeing the surgeon. My pre-op is the 30th Jan and my surgery is 13th March πŸ™‚ x

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