Hey, I had my op on Thursday. Make sure you get some antiseptic soap for washing from a couple of days beforehand, I used dettol soap, I’m still using it for my hands now, make sure you use antibacterial wipes on everything around your recovery area. I wasn’t told this but you’re supposed to stop taking multivitamins I think a few days or a week before your op as some of the vitamins can thin the blood and ask your nurse about any birth control you may be using. make sure you drink a lot of water beforehand as you can’t drink for about 6 hours before your admission time (they say you can take sips up to two hours before but my nurse said its safer not to) and don’t put anything on pre-surgery.. You can wash and condition your hair and use the antibacterial soap but no moisturiser, no lip balm and make sure all piercings are out and nail polish is off. I can’t think of anything else at the moment.. Hope this helps 🙂 xx