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  • Rael 20

    Hello girls,

    I just wanted to make a quick post to help everyone that is posting about pain they are experiencing after the operation. The first day after my operation I was experiencing tremendous pain, not being able to lift myself up or even remotely move my body myself, having to get my boyfriend to move me everywhere. Experiencing a lot of burning sensation around my incisions whenever I would move.

    I started to
    1. Use an ice pack, I make sure that I have one by me at all times. I place it on the area I am experincing discomfort and it instantly helps.
    2. Sitting up, the nurse recommends that you go to sleep at a 45 degree angle, however I would say even avoid doing this if you are finding it hard that when you wake up and try to get up/get up that you are having a burning pain. I sleep with my back completely straight up against my bed frame and even though it can be uncomfortable, it is better than experiencing the burning sensation.
    3. Take some Ibuprofen, I was prescribed with Co-codamol however I didn’t find that it was helping with the pain, so I started to take Ibuprofen which is good for pain as well as swelling and I find that it is working.
    4. Try to be as mobile as possible, do not be bed bound and not move your muscles, even if you just get up and walk around your room, try to get use to working your muscles again.

    I hope that this is useful to some of you, and defo try some of these tips to try and make your experience a bit better!

    Laura 47

    I absolutely agree! I take my painkillers alternately every 4 hours to make sure they last 24 hours and my antibiotics too.
    Another thing to add is jot down the times you take your meds to make sure you don’t take too many.
    Ice packs are a lifesaver!
    I knew I’d struggle getting up as I’m a single mum so about a month ago I started the ‘plank challenge’ believe me it’s a breeze getting up and not using your arms when you have a strong core!
    I only had surgery yesterday and this morning I got jobs done, walked the kids to school and felt fab. Got on the sofa at lunch and watched a movie and seized up! As much as your tired and achy – keep moving!
    If anyone has a magic potion to stop these boobs from swelling anymore I’ll love you forever ????

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