today Started by: lizzie

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  • lizzie

    Well today has been a long day. Was admitted at 10am to preston and didnt go down to theatre until 4.30. Although mr mounir and staff were very pleasant and reassuring I wasnt very happy that I was not updated at all on when I would be going down. It was 4 hours before I had to ask as I was actually crawling the walls with boredom. Also wasnt very happy that when mr mounir came in to discuss the surgery, he talked me through the original plan that was made on the first consultation and had completely forgotten about what we had discussed on the second! Obviously had not even read through my notes before coming in and if I wouldnt have mentioned anything he would not have known any different. When it finally came to the time a lovely blonde nurse came in to take me and made me feel really at ease and comfortable, I wish I remembered her name! She talked to me as I was put under. I was very nervous about the anaesthetic as ive never had it before and the thought of it just freaks me out a little. The next thing I knew I was saying ‘im not asleep’ and the lovely nurse assured me that I had already been asleep and it was all done. I went back to my room and chilled, had some toast and coffee and waited around for a while. Mr mounir came in and said he was very happy and after all the usual I was free to go home. I am in no pain whatsoever, a bit stingy when I woke up but thats all. Even in the car I was fine and I didnt need a pillow. I ended up having 415 unders from a 30a. They are such a strange shape at the moment and dont even look that big to be honest but Im sure they will be when they settle. I have pictures to put up but theyre saying they are too large. Can anyone help? Xxx


    Hey luv
    Sounds like it was abit of a pain but I bet it’s been worth the wait.
    I’m having mine done on saturday with him.
    Fingers crossed I don’t have to wait to long. I’m having a 400cc unders



    ohhh dear i have dr mounir on saturday too, having 410cc unders, hopefully its been worth the wait though hun and they will look fab once settled, not very reassuring that he didnt know what you was having! xx


    He is a good surgeon and he knows what he was talking about it but he did make me feel worried as he kind of left the decision to me regarding size and unders and overs so obviously I was panicking about whether I made the right decision or not! But when he came to see me he assured me that he thinks I made the right decision and that I will be happy with them! Woke up this morning and I am not so much in pain just uncomfortable when moving around like the day after youve done lots of press up in the gym!! Yous should be fine I was a 30a and currently wearing a 34dd sports bra that is pretty snug. I think ill end up a 30e fingers crossed xx


    ye hes left the same to me too weather to go under or over and 380’s or 410’s iv been thinking about it alllll last week and made the decision to go under and have 410’s as i dont want to regret not getting the bigger ones, he told me im currently a B not sure about that think im an A to be honest, did you have drains and strapping or you just got your sports bra on? iv bought a 34DD too hopefully it will be ok, xx


    Yeah go for the 410s ive only got a tiny back and they dont even look as big as I thought they would. No drains or strapping just dissolvable stitches and a dressing. Yeah 34dd should fit. Im hoping to end up a small e like but with a smaller back once the swelling goes down. Cant wait to get measured xx


    yes think i will was scared of the unders not looking full at the top but all previous pics iv seen still has that fulness so fingers crossed, a lot of monuirs patients dont seem to have dressing or drains so im hoping im the same as cant imagine them being bandaged up for a week and not being able to see them!! Just want it over with now so i can stop worrying, proper nervous wreck! Roll on saturday! how long before did you get your admission time? Iv still not heard anything xx

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