Today is the day! Started by: Cassie

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  • Cassie 15

    So over the past few months I have been going over and over this site, as well as many others!
    With a lift and implant I feel it’s such a huge decision I wanted to make sure I was making the right one…
    I had my first consultation a year and a half ago and for many reasons we ended up deciding to leave it until after we get married.
    Roll on a year and a half and here I am..getting ready to leave my my operation!!!
    May I add, we are getting married in June and for some reason, my dream dress didn’t look right without my dream boobs and my amazing, kind, caring husband to be didn’t want me to be unhappy! So here we are…
    I wanted to keep you all up to date because I remember reading these and getting so excited with so many questions to ask…..
    I am having The lift with 260/240 implants we think, however mr Giannas has ordered a few different sizes and will be using a sizer today to make sure they look right and correct a little asymmetry. I am a deflated 32C after having 2 kids and some weight loss!
    My admission is 12:30 so I will keep you all updated…
    Any questions feel free to ask xx

    Ann 6

    Good luck! Your be fine I’m just over 2 weeks po having had lift and 250 implants . Mine went great didn’t even have to take the pain killers! Xx

    Rebecca 3

    Best of luck today!!
    You’ll be fine. Just stay focused on the end result 😀 xx

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