Told i need uplift think I'm going to leave it Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    Just been told I need an uplift. Gutted. Think i am going to leave it as they are not that bad to go through it for the scarring. Anyone else not gone through with it for that reason?

    Georgia 2

    Do you have a pic? I also need one but would rather the scars than rubbish boobs how mine are now! The scaring really isn’t that bad once it’s healed- looks loads worse after surgery, do you heal well? X

    Claire 4

    I’m in the same situation! It’s tough, I’m just doing lots or research in to the surgeons and how the scars heal, but I think it’s down to individuals, I’m going to meet the surgeons to look at some more pics and get some more info


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    Thanks and I do trust his opinion he knows his stuff but no I don’t want the scars ? I am now thinking of a second opinion?? Just an implant for more oomph!!! Good luck with yours I know it depends on skin and healing and whether you’re happier with great boobs and a few scars. My husband is dead against the uplift I just about talked him round to implants as he likes them the way they are but I would really love my boobs back!!

    Georgia 2

    Awh in that case I would 100% recommend another opinion or 2 or 3! You never know! Some girls have swerved an uplift and gone for an implant and ended up getting exactly what they wanted BUT I guess it could cause them to sag again in the near future? Ahhhhh it’s so complicated isn’t it? Definitely get a few more surgeons opinions and go from there! Remember your boobs will be in a bra or clothing most of the time so nobody will see your scars but if it’s for yours and your husbands sake then that’s fair enough! Good luck with it all! X


    Gonna go for a second opinion I’m so upset was so looking forward to it. Will keep looking at your updates Georgia!

    Amy 4

    There is a lift you can do where they cut around amd above the nipple modern mastopexy ask about this? They tend to do this if its not a big lift depends on tbe droop?
    i cried when they said i coupdnt have this lift and i would have to have the anchor but im still going through with it scars fade i want nice boobs 🙂


    Ok I will ask thank you xx

    Lyndsey 42

    I’d definitely consider the uplift Hun, the scars aren’t that bad from what I’ve seen. I’ve had a two stage op so implants done and will do uplift when I can afford it. Your nipples are in the right direction but your boobs do seem to have naturally dropped and there’s a chance that an implant can cause worse sagging, especially with bigger implants – however always get a second opinion

    Georgia 2

    Hi girls. Yes def get second opinion Lyns although I agree with Lyndsey, I think they have dropped a little almost like mine? If u look at the top part of the breast? I don’t mind about the fact of an uplift- at least they’ll ever be brand new and extremely pert! I would rather that than a bigger version of mine now!! Don’t let the scars scare you, they really aren’t too bad and remember most of the time your boobs will be under clothes so not visible where by everyone can see your scars! I am all booked in for March 15th!! So excited but nevous! Let me know how your second consultation goes xx


    I had my lift and implants on the 11th of January I was so scared about the scars but I thought ild rather have scars than saggy boobs honestly just go for it !! My scar from the nipple down the boob is near enough gone the one round my nipple is just pink I’ve been told this time next year you won’t even see them xxx

    Claire 4

    Becky/ Amy have you got any before and after pics you wouldn’t mind sharing x


    Just got measured at Ann summers. I’m a 32 DD/E apparently. So if I had implants I’d be too big. But really don’t want the scars and personally haven’t seen many good scars nipples yet! Agh I’m gonna prob just be left with my saggy set until a miracle comes along ?

    Nikki 22

    Hi girls, I know this is quite an old post but just wondered how you’re all getting on? I’m having an uplift with implants next week and am now worrying about the scars but I hate my boobs how they are so am more than happy to go ahead. I guess it’s just a fear of not quite knowing what you’re getting. Xxx


    Hi Alice @alicem I’m seeing another surgeon next week for a third opinion (first two advised an uplift!) do you have any pictures to compare to my own? I will upload a pic of mine! (any thoughts welcome!) xx


    Thoughts welcome ladies !

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    Nikki 22

    Hi Sophie, you look quite similar to how I was in terms of how low your breasts are although yours do look much fuller than mine were. I had both an uplift and implants last week. I’ve attached a couple of photos – the after was literally straight out of surgery. God I still can’t get used to commenting on boobs lol but I know how much I appreciated everybody’s help when I was researching! Xx

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    em2010 17

    Go for the uplift, mine didn’t have a sag but needed adjusting so i was reluctant but I’m so glad i did, the scars are minimal.

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    Gemma 29

    Im going with Mr Mounir and im currently a 32b and in need of an enlargement and uplit. Im getting 350cc hp overs which will take me to boarder line C/D. not much change from four figures with the first number starting with an 8.

    For me peronally the only person that will see my scars is me and my husband. They live in a bra afterall. IF they dont fade im not going to be to upset. Id rather have some scaring than a pathethic looking pair of tennis balls in socks (Thats what i refer mine to). lol.


    Im 27 had two children and been told I need an uplift before implants otherwise they will sag in time I’m devostated as I don’t want the scar . I don’t want any more children I just don’t know if I can get away with just implants . I didn’t breast feed either children but lost weight rapidly after my second X


    Hi all well I’m back and still not happy with my saggyset so feel I might go ahead. I hate to think of the scars but as you all have said it’s only me and my husband who will see them! 2 years on still dithering! Wish I just went for it the first time!!

    Jo 46

    Hi Lyns I had sagging because of weight training and lost volume on top. I just had uplift with 275cc I’m only 3 weeks post op. I think to have the implants without an uplift would have been a mistake. I had no breast tissue to support the implants and they went under the muscle. I’m not having kids either and so glad I did this! I was shocked when they said uplift and see why now. Xx

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    They look great! Are you happy with results? Have you gone back to training yet?

    Katie 11

    I’m 8wpo 350 overs and uplift , much happier . Scars don’t bother me and I thought they would x

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    Jo 46

    Hi Lyns I am really happy with them. Everyday they are healing more nicely. Hoping to go back to the gym this week for light cardio but no weights until 6 weeks post op orders of the surgery / nurse as I wouldn’t want to tear something. What are your thoughts on going ahead? Xx

    Katie 11

    Lyns I was a 34d in bras before but didn’t fill them , I fill them now and would say an E would fit better but haven’t been measured yet as I’m still in soft bras . Defo worth it for me , took me 8 weeks to love them though x

    Jodie Louise 47

    I had an uplift with 275cc mod plus implants and you can hardly see my scars now im 6 months post op xx

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    I’ve just had my consultation with Marcellino and have been left in tears, I’ve been waiting 6 years to have a BA and he’s just said I’ll need an uplift and then if still wanting implants I’ll have to wait a year or more before he’ll do it..
    I’ve had three kids and they aren’t what they used to be but I’m only 26 and I just want nice boobs and to feel sexy and comfortable in my body.
    Has anyone been told this by one dr but had a second dr who will do it both at the same time? I dont know if it’s worth getting a second dr at mya or elsewhere and see what they’d do….
    I can’t afford to have two separate procedures at 5 each when it can be done in one for 7!


    Jodie I cannot believe your scars!! That is amazing. What were you like before?

    Terrianne 17

    Which surgeon did you go with?


    I’m going for it on 21march !!
    Can’t wait. He’s suggested 175cc. I reckon that’s too small?

    gillian 1

    Hii can anyone tell me why the scarring is so much worse when getting an uplift rather than implants? Im confused. Ive not had a consultation yet im just looking into an uplift.


    As they remove the nipple so you have a lollipop or anchor scar. With an implant you have a scar under breast crease.

    gillian 1

    Ahh right thank you


    Going in for an uplift and small implant (175cc) on Wednesday!!
    Excited but anxious about going under!
    Packed and ready though.
    Is there anything I need to do before? Wasn’t told to take arnica or anything.


    Hi girls…been ages since I’ve been on here, had my op two years ago, mastopexy and reduction. Thought I would put a pic of of how well my scars have healed to put your minds at ease! If you take proper care of your boobs after the op there’s no reason why you should be left with thick horrible scars. Mine are literally barely visible, only in certain lights can you see a silvery line!


    Its good to hear that you are pleased with your results! Can I please see your pictures? How did you take care off your scars?

    Claire 4

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    My scars are badly visable , having the uplift and implants was the best thing I ever decided to do, I applied bio oil, and I still wear the sports bra at night , but scars are not really noticeable now

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by Catherine.

    Katie yours look perfect!! I want my nipples to be facing upwards instead of forwards (or down as they are now!) if that makes sense so I think I’m going to have to have an uplift.

    Does that mean I can’t breast feed any future kids though?

    Rachel 1

    Hi Katie, your “before boobs” look a lot like mine. I had my first consultation with a surgeon yesterday and they confirmed my thoughts that I would need an uplift, but with an implant, which surprised me. Thanks for sharing your pics, you look really great! How have you been getting on? X

    Ellie 16

    Hey sweetie, i had an augmentation last year with knly inplants as i didnt require an uplift, but now i am having to go back for an uplift due to the skin droopimg over my implants, as your breast tissue is quite low id go with the uplift as your gunna save yourself pain and money in the long run

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