Tomorrow!! Started by: Rachael

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  • Rachael 1

    hey ladies!

    I have my op tomorrow!:) I was just wondering if anyone would suggest anything that I may need to take that will help?
    I’ve also been given my admission time, do you get told your op time too or wait when your there?

    thank you girls! X

    Emma 26

    Hey Hun, I hope all goes well for you tomorrow 🙂 Depending on wether your a day case or an overnight stay it can vary on what you need, just make sure you have your v pillow if you are overnight you wont need if a day case a dressing gown for warmth as my room was freezing but they did bring me extra, Make sure you ask for the Wifi password, i didnt and was bored lol theres plenty of plugs to charge your phones/laptop/tablets, if your not keen on tea and toast and a few sweet buscuits which they provide, then bring your own food 🙂 i was a day case and i took a change of comfy clothes which consisted of leggings and a hoodie and some easy slip on shoes, i had a bobble with no metal which is important i genuinly didnt need anything else cause once my op was done i was happy to just lie there and sleep….Unfortunatly you dont get your op time although you can ask the nurse where on the list you are which will give you a rough idea, my admission time was 10:30 and my op was a little after half 3 and i left the hospital by 6 If your going home by car dont plan on wearing your seat belt fully use the bottom section and tuck the other bit behind your back not ideal i know but makes it easier i also had to hold my boobs the whole way home as every bump hurt, ive waffled on loads haha but i hope things go well for you hun and let us all know how you get on were here if you want to talk about anything 🙂 x


    Good luck xx

    Jessica 105

    I cant help with what to take as I haven’t had mine yet but wish you all the luck in the world. Enjoy your new boobs xxx

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