Too early to start dropping? Started by: Olivia

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  • Olivia 14

    Hiya, i’m 6 days post op and my left breast with the slightly bigger implant is starting to drop. It feels so much soft and i’m getting twings. Is this normal for so many days post op? I thought they wouldnt drop for a couple of more weeks.

    Someone please reassure me lol

    Thank you Xx

    Lucylu 5

    Yes thats normal! Mine seemed to drop within a week! And the swelling went down almost straight away xxxx

    Olivia 14

    Was it slightly painful when it dropped? My right is soft but still has firmness to it but no pain what so ever. But the left has dropped and its really soft but im getting a slight burning and twinging feeling with it. But thank you so much!! Xxxx

    Lucylu 5

    Yeah honestly I had uncomfortable stiff pains in just my right breast and no pain atall in the left! The nurse told me it’s completely normal and it has stopped now xxxx

    Olivia 14

    Thank you so much!! Xxx

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