Too mobile? Started by: Kirsty

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  • Kirsty 4

    I’m 2 days post op and have been very lucky so far in that I have been pretty much pain free but I’m also kinda worried about this lol as I don’t want to be doing too much and affecting my healing! I can put my arms up over my head and can pretty much dress in normal clothes, trying to not reach or stretch at all tho coz can feel pulling….I am resting tho when I think I might have done too much!
    How are other people feeling at this stage??xx

    babyboo 6

    You are so lucky, I had my op yesterday and I’m in agony. I’m nauseous as anything and in a heap of pain 🙁 I’m being super careful and hope I will heal pronto

    Kirsty 4

    I hope you do too and sorry your having a bad time! Karma might come and bite me in the ass soon tho lol!hope u feel better soon xx

    Janet 4

    Kirsty I’m the same hun.. same night walked to mums for a coffee. Yesterday went shopping .. didn’t carry anything and the hubby opened all car doors and shop doors etc. Today been my sisters . And same as you I can put normal clothes on xx not done any cooking or cleaning even though I feel I could xx being mobile so called helps the swelling go quicker . Think we just need to be really careful xx

    babyboo 6

    I had rhino with mya 2 years ago and felt amazing after surgery. I woke up, ate and out living life as Norma,. I assumed it would be similar this time except I woke up feeling really sick, couldnt walk without getting dizzy and have barely moved. To be fair ive got 800cc weighing down on me like an elephant ughhhhh

    Janet 4

    Aww hope u feel better soon xx hope u don’t mind the add. I had 550cc on Tuesday from 380cc which I had done 5 years ago cx

    Danielle 2

    God I wish I was as mobile! I’m up and about but really feel it when I’ve done too much. You must be superwoman lol. Hope you don’t mind the add Hun x

    AmandaT 6

    Thats amazing Kirsty!! Lucky you….I hope Im not in too much pain because I have 3 kids and want to recover quickly. Glad it all went well xxx

    babyboo 6

    Yeah sure, I have no pics up yet as they look like torpedoes lol but I shall once they have settled 😀

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