'Too skinny' for breast augmentation??? Started by: Hannah

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  • Hannah 1

    Hi guys,
    I’ve always had *Another company as my 1st choice for a breast augmentation but after seeing *a surgeon at Preston he took one look at me and told me he wouldn’t feel comfortable operating on me because my chest size was too narrow to fit implants onto it? He could only recommend one size (my sheet says TSF 240) but he seemed reluctant and even laughed at me and said the words ‘it would be better if you just put some weight on’. This comment really upset me and I was absolutely devastated!
    I walked away from *the other company after this and I’m looking at MYA to get a 2nd opinion on this and see if an alternative surgeon has the same view point.
    If *the surgeon was right then fair enough they can’t operate on me, but no need for the rudeness!

    I’d like to know if anybody else who is rather petite and small framed has had any troubles with implants?? I’ve included a pic that shows my size (white bikini).

    Any comments appreciated!

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    La1993 28

    Hi πŸ™‚ I know that if your bmi is low they won’t operate, my surgeon told me I needed to put some weight on and I’m 5ft2 and nearly 9 stone! So I’m not skinny at all! I was confused to why he said it but wasn’t a problem xxx

    Liliana 1

    Hi Hannah,
    Sorry to hear that the surgeon you’ve seen hasn’t made you feel great. I’m obviously not a surgeon but I can tell you that I’m 5ft4 and weigh 52kg and a uk size 6. I have absolutely no breast tissue whatsoever and I saw Dr Traynor at the Manchester clinic and he said that he would recommend 250cc under the muscle but I could go up to 300cc. You should definitely get a second opinion from another surgeon, I’m sure they can do something to fit your body shape and size ☺️

    Emily 28

    Hey Hun… Can’t believe how much of an awful experience you’ve had I bet you’ll be super nervous going to any others. I’m currently a size 6 just under 5ft weight 71/2 stone I’m quite slim and I worried with this also but had no problems at all my consultant said it would make my figure stand out more I can’t see this been a problem as I am booked in for my opp 28th of this month! Hope you get it all sorted xxx

    xjessx 5

    Heyy hun! That is an awful thing to say i’m size 8 pre op i was 30a i had 300cc overs i’m now 32D/DD depending on the style of bra and where i get it from hope this helps πŸ™‚ and good luck xxx

    Aimee 5

    I’m 5ft 1, 7stone 1 & having 400cc defo go for second opinion babe. My surgeon is Andrea (can’t spell his last name lol) xx

    Lucy 24

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    Hi Hun! I would try Transform, not sure where you are based, but I have a narrow frame also and in my surgeons word ‘quite square’, he did a fab job tho! He worked with very little breast tissue and I am over the moon with my results xxx


    Hey huni huni feel to do me you if like xx

    Lisa@anne 13

    Hi Hannah I saw dr kazzazi from mya and he told me my chest was very narrow and offered my 275cc .i. Still currently researching as I’m worried I would still be small but I suppose anything would be better than the miserable 32A I am πŸ™ xx

    Kelly 8

    Hiya girls. When I was doing my research I came across this. Apparently it’s because of the GA… As if your bmi is low there is risks of complications and has been a very serious case in America. That’s wot I came across in my research. Surgeon’s might have a different theory Xxx

    Alliekat 1

    Sounds like you had a really upsetting experience hun ?Some surgeons just have no people skills but doesn’t mean to say they are bad surgeons just rubbish communicators! I was also told I was very skinny and thin. My surgeon offered me 295hp or 320 xhp and was adamant that was my limit…it also has a lot to do with the width of your breast and narrowness of chest and of course breast tissue and body fat. Unfortunately us skinny girls don’t have much to work with. In a way it’s good that a surgeon doesn’t try to put too much in if your body can’t handle it, it’s safety first after all. I would get a second opinion to put your mind at rest but don’t be put off. It’ll be worth it in the end. Good luck x

    Charla 10

    hiya Hannah! i have simular stats as you and look at the picture we have the same size frame, i was told that due to my small frame anything larger than 300cc will look fake and out of proportion, anyone can get a BA just make sure you BMI is at a healthy level, otherwise this will cause you to become ill and can have complications and make sure you dont go bigger than what the consultant recommends! I’m not with MYA, i went to Belvedere Clinic which is just outside of south london, there alot cheaper and the surgeon was extemely honest with me.

    Alia 11

    I’m small and petite weighing 42kg, 5’1. They also told me I was on the too skinny side but this has been normal for me all my life and my bone structure is tiny. I told them this so they had to check with my dr and get an official report from him to make sure I didn’t have an eating disorder or any health problems (which I didn’t) so they reviewed and gave it the all clear. I’m having my op in a week’s time. Definitely get a second opinion and consult one of the MYA surgeons xx


    CHARLA which implants are you having xx


    There is anther implant that is smaller in base and bigger in projeion so girls are able to go bigger on CC my was offred 250cc in mentor but this other implant she was able to have 380cc she a size 6 tiny ana gone from A to 30F and they look lush xx

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