Hi Ladies, I am 1wpo and I had 400cc on the left and 425 on the right. I know it’s early days for me which actually makes me feel worse because I got told after the surgery they would be really swollen and not to worry. Although they are still really swollen for me they still seem small I thought at this stage they would be massive and would get smaller when the swelling went down.
I was 34B before the op and was hoping for a DD.
I went under the muscle aswell – and I’ve read that when you go under you loose a full cup size!!! If I would have known this I would have got the implants alot bigger. I feel when they drop they are going to be small for my frame I’m 5’9 and weight 9.5 stone. Gutted!!! Is there any ladies out there who match my stats who have had same CC as me?? I feel so disappointed with the size
Omg honey this is like reading about myself!
Do not worry at all I was exackly the same as you, I was a 32b before surgery and I had 400cc UHP unders and I’m not 10 months post op and I’m an E/FF add me if you like and I can show you pictures from throughout my recovery xxxx
Hi Kelly, aw really! My are HP I can see yours are UHP….would this make much difference?
I would really appreciate pictures please. Thank you!!! I’m just so worried at the moment xx
The difference would be so tiny if anything I think it would be mm x
So here are 3 photos, the first is lee op the second is 6 weeks and the 3rd is 3 months if you want some more in depth photos add me on Instagram @kellybarmby and I’ll send you some over private message xxx
Wow they look amazing!!! Mine are nothing like that!! Mine are tiny in comparison . I’m not on insta – I’ve tried to put photos on here but it won’t let me xx
I had 400UhP but I was a 32a before in a 32e now at 8months post opp x
Those words are exackly how I feel ???? I’m 10 month po and they still haven’t full dropped x
I really wouldn’t get caught up on the result at the moment as your way, way to early in recovery to be unhappy as your are far from the final result. You still have to start dropping and fluffing and with that comes the volume and roundness which makes them look bigger and project more.
As I have the same stats as you I can’t believe that your result is going to be small as I measure 30F/32E but it obviously it depends on how large you were expecting them to be.
All I can say is just be patient as your final result isn’t going to take weeks but months and months. Hopefully you’ll be happy when you finally start to see some progress – try and take weekly pictures for comparison.
Alaina yours will really grow – just google and look at all the pics.. it takes a few ,months for the final size .. dont worry at all. Google breast op journey and look at the differences in weeks/months etc xx
Hey girl!! I just had my surgery like 6 days ago too and I had 425 unders and because there all strapped up still this week Ive been thinking omg they look. Small but font worry i just know they will drop and get bigger xxx did you have round or teardrop xx
They look AMAZING! Honestly and such a great size. Like others have said you don’t loose cc by going under the muscle. Xx
They look amazing Iv just had high profile 400 cc unders 11 days ago mine look so small at the minute! I hope mine turn out like yours!! X
I got told by my surgeon it’s all a lie you don’t lose any cc from going under the muscle don’t worry girls we will have huge boobs soon!! X
Ladies, I can’t thank you all enough for your replies – i appreciate it I was just under the impression that straight after the surgery they would be at there biggest as they are swollen??
I’ve been for my 1wpo appt with the nurse – I’m healing really well which is so good to hear. Ile try and upload another piccy xx
I went for round HP – MYA don’t do teardrop xx
Hiya, my stats are similar to you, I’m 5ft10 and 10.5 stone, I had 450cc HP Overs and went from a small B to an F. I’m sure you will achieve at least a DD
Hi I’m a few pounds heavier 450 cc so not much difference but 6 weeks on so hope this helps size wise. I’m a 28/30 f/ff
They look great!!!! The surgeon offered me 450 on the day of my surgery and I said no – regretting that now. Ile just have to wait and see how they end up. I can’t stop thinking about it- but will have to try. Thank you for your replies lases – really helpful xxx
MYA do teardrop, but not everyone qualifies for teardrop due to shape of Chest ect x
Aahhh didn’t realise that darl. I never got offered them….must be because of my chest xx
Honestly Hun they do relax and get bigger as the months go by! I had 475cc and it wasn’t until the 6month mark they really started to take shape, there still changing all the time now 10months on! I just had to go up another cup size! Don’t let it stress you out it’s just a waiting game xx
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