Too small? 400cc partials Started by: Beita

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  • Beita 14

    Hey everyone!

    Booked my op for 22nd December and I’m having 400cc and 375cc partials done. Now I’ve paid and booked I’m wondering if this is too small? I’m 5’7 and size 10 on top and 12 on bottom. Currently a 34 a/b. My surgeon said that 400/375 is the maximum he would do, which would achieve a natural look. But I’ve seen some pics of 450cc+ on here of girls smaller than me in height and dress size, which look amazing! Any advice would be appreciated. Xx

    Chloe 122

    Unfortunately if that’s the max your surgeon will let you go, I wouldn’t push to go bigger, that’s still a good size implant and your prob be around a E cup I would of thought, we all sit n wonder if we r going to small too big but if you know that’s your max your be glad you
    Went with the biggest offered but no doubt your get boob greed I’m 13wks post op n still get it sometimes lol, mainly when I see someone’s who look bigger than mine, I’m told mine look really good/big but I don’t see it I see they are in proportion I wouldn’t complain if they were bigger but I’m happy with them esp as I had nothing before xx

    Ellie 23

    I had 375 400 I’ll attach some pictures in a min! What size do you want to be? I’ve gone from a 32b to a 32E I’m only 2 weeks post op and I love! They match my shape perfectly! Still got lots of dropping to do etc!

    Ellie 23

    So the top picture is a week after surgery. Bottom one is two weeks, I had partials round!

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    Ellie 23

    Also all implants appear different sizes on people so I didn’t ask what size I could go max, I just asked for something to match my body so I could of probably asked to go bigger. However if that’s all your surgeon is allowing you to go they will probably be very big inside your chest? Im not sure though, maybe go and see another surgeons at mya and see what they have to say!!!


    Who’s your surgeon? I was told 375/400 at my first consultation with my surgeon but saw him again last week. My op is now 2 weeks away and he’s ordered 400 425 and 450 and thinks 450 will let me achieve the look I want. In size 8/10 34a and also 5ft7. Happy to share pictures of me now and afterwards if I’m a good comparison for you. My survey is 8th Nov. I’ll let you know what size he goes for.

    Beita 14

    THey look amazing, thank you for sharing!

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