top tips for recovery after BA Started by: samf

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  • samf 2

    Hi girls
    1 week today so excited. I’m an over night case so just wondering what you would recommend to take with me to make my stay and recovery once home as smooth as possible?


    Hello hun bet you’re so excited now hehe it’ll come in no time and you’ll have boobs! I didn’t have an over night case I was a day case was in and out in about 6 or 7 hours but I highly suggest you get a V pillow as that’s something I didn’t have and I’m regretting it now! Apart from that just get something comfy you can throw on and off preferably something button up so you dont have to put it over your head, I have this snuggly fluffy short dressing gown from Primark with ears that I wore to my surgery and back to the hotel from surgery lol, the day of my op I was too out of it really to pay attention to the pain they kept me dosed on meds and kept taking my blood pressure, they fed me too and helped me to toilet. I’m sure you’re gunna be fine V pillow is only thing I can think of! Add me if you like hun I had 375cc unders high profile with Dr.Singh on Sunday xxxxxx

    samf 2

    Hi rosie
    Thank you, yes very excited, very busy week now making sure everything if ready for Christmas and finishing work for the year. I have my v pillow, been using it already they are so comfy. Will make sure my dressing gown is packed. Will add you hope your surgery went well xx


    Hello im currentky in the hospital after having my surgery the afternoon.
    I packed everything lol but bits ive used are
    Face cream and lip balm
    Sport drinking bottle (so much easier)
    Phone charger

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