Torn between 350cc or 375cc unders? Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    I’m booked in to have my opp in less then two weeks with Dr Traynor. He gave me the option from anything between 300-400cc, I want them quite natural, Im thinking between 350 and 375 but I’m worried about them looking too big or too small? Im about a 32b now, and want to be about a DD? Has anybody had either of these sizes with similar stats to me? I’m 5,3ft and weight about 9st 6, size 10 xx


    Hi hunny!!! I was also torn up until 5 mins before the op between these sizes. I opted for 350 unders and although op was only yesterday I love them!!! They are high and I can’t wait for them to drop and fluff but the surgeon said there’s basically no difference with 350 and 375 so I wouldn’t overthink hunny!!! I’m petite so didn’t want to look overly big. Ill post pics later so you can see xx


    Thank you Hun!! That’s good to know! Hope your opp went well, are you in pain?? Yes pics would be great thanks, it’s so hard to decide because they look so different on people’s photos!! Thanks again!! Xx


    Hi hun, there’s a pic on my profile but they don’t look too big ha!!! They are tight and high so just waiting for them to drop and hopefully fluff out!! Yes they are sore but pain definitely bearable just washed my hair and picked my kids up from school lol. You’ll be absolutely fine xx

    Erin 2

    Hi Gemma we have nearly the same stats and I’m also having Dr Traynor. He offered me 300cc-450cc!! It’s so hard to choose with such a big range isn’t it, I’m also stuck between 350 and 375 I keep thinking 350 will be too small but 375 may be too big haha I just can’t decide!! My op isn’t until September though so plenty of time to decide. Do you mind if I add you so I can follow your progress please would love to see how your boobs turn out seeing as though we are so similar!! Hope everything goes well they will be fab whatever you pick! ?Xx


    Hi Hun, yes Iv accepted you ? Ahh yes that’s good to know we’ve got similar stats and heading in the same direction! I’m booked in on 11th July so will let you know how I get on. I’m literally stuck so just going to decide on the day, but I don’t want mine too big so I think I may go for 350cc, I had the choice of 300-400cc. But I keep changing my mind after readying people’s stories etc. ? Anyway yes fingers crossed!! Il keep you updated xxx

    Hannah 16

    Hi girls,

    I’ve been given the option of 350cc under HP – as the maximum, does anyone mind showing me pictures? Im worrying so much they’re going to be smaller than I want as Im a small B, but he basically said im NOT giving you any bigger haha xxxx


    Hi hannah, I’ve had 350 unders on Monday, il put pic on my profile!! I’m very slight so the biggest they would go was 375. They are getting bigger every day can’t wait for them to drop and fluff ha add me hun and you should be able to see xx

    Clarissa 16

    Anna just had a look and yours look fab! They look much bigger and closer than mine but I think its because I started literally with nothing was like a AA. Going to see the nurse today so hopefully see what she says x


    You think Clarissa? Thank you, they are high really need to drop!!!! Yours look bigger hun they look fab, I didn’t want to look out of proportion but would like them to fluff pretty please ha!!! X

    Hannah 16

    I’ve added you Doll xxx

    Simone 12

    Hey girls.. My op is on Wednesday and I am still undecided between 350 and 375 unders! One minute I panic that they’ll be too small and the next minute I keep thinking I don’t want them too big! xxx


    I’ve had 350 unders Simone pic on profile, they are tight and high so il be taking pics to hopefully see them drop and fluff!!!! X

    Clarissa 16

    Hey Simone. I’d definitely go with the bigger option, there’s not much difference in 25 cc , I got 35o in one and 375 in the other due to asymmetry but I started with nothing so AA. It’s completely up to you but I’d go for the bigger one. x

    Clarissa 16

    I’ve also got pictures on my profile so anyone can add me 🙂

    Simone 12

    I’ve added you both 🙂 I’ll probably go bigger, I’ve seen so many girls say they regret not going bigger, but I haven’t seen any that think they are too big xx


    Yours look amazing Clarissa!! Also added you Simone, let me know what you decide …. I’m so torn between the two same as you!! ?


    Hi I’m new to the forum had my 1st appointment with my surgeon today was so exciting and nervous, I have been offered 350cc unders or overs just wondered if any of you had any advise/pics? I have a while as my surgery is not until October x

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