Transform in administration? Started by: Steph turner

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    Hi ladies -I’m researching having an op with a few companies . My partner has shared this article about Transform with me. Does anyone know if it’s true? I can’t find anything else about it.

    I’m worried about it as they asked me for £500 (I’ve not paid) and there’s some stuff on Trustpilot about them not paying that back if you have

    Jaye 3

    I can’t comment on their administration but I’d definitely stay clear. They had me waiting over 2 hours for my initial consultation and then during it they were very pushy with me, trying to get me to part with money before I’d even done research into the surgeons they suggested for me. I had to tell the lady at least 3 times that I’d have to think about it and I’d let them know if I decided to go with them.
    Even now, weeks later after saying I wasn’t interested, I’m getting messages and calls from them.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by Jaye 3.

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    Hi I had my surgery with transform 2 weeks ago and I went for my post op appointment today to find the Leeds clinic shutdown, I had no email or call telling me that it had closed. There was a number on the door and I called and they said they’d gone into administration and it all happened on Friday with no warning. They’ve shut all the small clinics but the Manchester pines hospital is still operating and the other big hospital and they might have another company take over.

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