I know it’s annoying iv had to pay £120 for a hotel! But to stay overnight at the hospital would have cost hundreds more! It’ll all be worth it in the end, just not looking forward to the drive home!! Xx
I had to drive an hour for day case then stayed in hotel that night which was two mins ip the road. To be honest the first night in the hotel you will sleep so well cuz you still have anaesthetic in your system and just take your pain meds as soon as you wake up and you will be surprised that it isn’t that bad xx
My consultation was an hour away and my op is around two and a half. My PC told me I had to stay in a nearby hotel the following night just in case so I’m still close to the hospital. To stay at the hospital it would have been £400 extra!! So have booked a gorgeous hotel for £100 as a treat for my friend for taking me 🙂 it should have been £170 but went on late rooms and found it cheaper 🙂 xx