Travelling home after op? Started by: Lauren

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  • Lauren 31

    Has anyone travelled more than 1.5 hours home after op? I’ve seen the nurse today and she said I need to stay within 1 hour of the hospital for 24 hours. I was planning on coming home xx

    Orsolya 38

    Hey Hun, I drove home from London to Birmingham after my surgery. Took us about 2 hours. I was very happy to sleep in my own bed/sofa.

    Lauren 31

    I’ve got a 2.5 hour drive home but I’m the same would rather be in my own bed xx

    Francesca 13

    Yeah I’ve got between 1.5/3 hour drive home depending on traffic but I would 100% rather be at home with home comforts! Apparently take a pillow to hold over your new boobs helps on the journey xx

    Lauren 31

    Will you be going home the same day Francesca? I think I probably will. I’ll take a couple of pillows for the journey back. When is your op? Xx

    Jade 11

    I drove home after the op – 2.5 hours! They say it’s policy you have to stay within an hour so I said I was at the ibis but I was ok thankfully.
    Sat with my v pillow and had a bucket just incase as I was sick 3 times in the hospital. Just stay until you feel well enough x

    Lauren 31

    Thanks Hun. I’ve requested a early admission time so hoping I get a morning one so I’ve got a bit longer to recover while I’m still down there before setting off. How was the drive back? Xxx

    Jade 11

    It was ok to be honest, I was first in at 8am – op was at 10 and back in the room by 11 but I didn’t leave till about 5:30-6 as I felt so sick! Drive wasn’t as bad as expected xx

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