Tubular breast HELP Started by: Lo

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  • Lo 16

    Hi girls,
    Just wanted some advice, I had my consultation the other day in London with Mr Mashhadi, I was so exited as iv wanted my breast done since the age of 15 as they just never grew!..anyway He took one look at me and asked if I’d had kids or lost a lot of weight which I responded no, he went on to say I have tubular breast (which I thought I may have had anyway) and said my nipples are large and pointing down. He told me I would need a nipple lift and reduction and implants alone wouldn’t be the best option. I was so taken back by it all and came out feeling even worse about my breast. I really don’t want a nipple lift or reduction I just want implants. I’m so worried the next surgeon I see will say the same.

    Please please I would love to know more about getting implants with tubular breast and if anyone has gone through this without nipple lift and reduction.

    I’ve attached a photo of my breasts below.

    Thank you xx

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    Kayla 3

    Hi I have the same shape breast if you slightly and when I saw my PC she said that the surgeon Linda who I wanted to see would want to do aroela reduction. So she recommend that I see Max Marcellino as he often doesn’t mind doing the procedure without the nipple reduction! Which I don’t want to go through due to scaring etc. X

    Lo 16

    Hi thank you for replying, yes I really don’t want to go all through that! I would rather just have implants alone. That’s good to know that there’s some that will do it without doing the nipple lift. Have you booked yours in to get done yet? X

    Kayla 3

    I know I also have one boob bigger than the other so I’m worried about that! I have my consultation with Marcelino on the 15th June so I will find out then what he say’s! Who are you seeing next? X

    Lo 16

    I have one slightly bigger but nothing major. I’m seeing Dr Giannitrapani 13th June I’ve read some good reviews on here so hoping for the best! Hope it goes well for you x

    Kayla 3

    You too good luck! Let me know how it goes x

    Amy 10

    Hi, Iv had the same as you recently, was told I need a nipple lift.. did you eventually find a surgeon with mya that would do implants without the nipple lift? X

    Amy 2

    I have this exact issue.. the only problem is one of my consultations said that if the problem isn’t fixed (ie not getting the nipples reduced) then the problem will only be enlarged! I’m so stuck!

    Lo 16

    I’ve seen another surgeon Dr Andrea, he has said to me to just get implants for now and in 6 months time if I feel I need a nipple lift he will do so, but he didn’t seem defiant that I needed it. He’s offered Me UHP implants which I was abit scared of as didn’t want them to look fake but I’m booked in now for 4th September to have 320cc xx

    Lucy 1

    i went to Dr Mileto last week and my opp is booked for 17th October. Those boobs look the same as mine and i have been told i only need an implant!

    Lo 16

    Thanks for you reply’s I had my boobs done last week saw Dr. Andrea Giannitrapani he put 295cc in my left and 320cc in my right UHP. Just had the implants in the end and he said I could come back and have the nipple lift later on if I wanted it…There still settling and hard I no I’ve got a long way to go but I’m very pleased I couldn’t recommend my surgeon enough! He is amazing xx

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by Lo 16.
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    Hannah 18

    I’m shocked he said you needed the uplift too, my boobs were very empty and saggy but my surgeon didn’t say they were tubular. I was told by my PC I would probably need an uplift but my surgeon, dr sleiter just gave me implants! Much cheaper and less recovery too! Your boobs look MUCH fuller and shapelier than mine were. X

    Amy 2

    I have similar stats to you and I am booked in for uplift and implantss in November. Putting an implant in tubular boobs is only going to make the problem bigger. I had the exact same feeling as you after my first consultation but please just trust the surgeons! Think about how it would work with implants compared to lifting the nipple as it shows the breast tissue underneath which tubular breasts don’t! obviously I know I can’t speak for everyone but please don’t ignore the advice they give you for the sake of it being cheaper and a quicker recovery! I feel so much more at ease now compared to when I first commented on this.. feel free to add me if you want to chat xx

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by Amy 2.
    Tiffany 20

    I have to agree with Amy! I was told the same, that I had mild tubular breast & that the best outcome for me would be the lift with implants. Tubular breasts have a higher breast fold that contribute towards the shape & having the implant alone will not get rid of this!! If you’re happy to have a larger version of what you have then just an implant would be totally fine :). But if your anything like me & hate the shape, spacing between the boobs & nipples facing down then you will just have a much more prominent version!!
    Don’t get me wrong, after surgery they will look incredible, but as they start to drop, you will notice the tubular shape come back. A friend of mine had this issue & is now hoping for an uplift after implants which is costing her so much more than it would of done if she would have done it all at once! She’s also going to have more scaring as the implant has stretched her skin more so she now needs the lollipop scar instead of just the scar under the breast & the scar around the nipple (which is VERY forgiving).
    I was gutted when I found out I needed all this done, but I’d be more gutted if I went ahead with just implants xx


    I was told that mine were mildly tubular by Dr Traynor, I had implants only but my creases lowered to create the round look and get rid of the tubular look, also over the muscle as he said under the muscle would keep the tubular look. I’m now 8 weeks post op and I love them! Yes my nipples are larger With the implant but nothing major enough to make me want a nipple reduction. Good luck with your recovery ! Xx


    This is my before and after, with just implant and creases lowered xxxx

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