Tubular breasts confusion Started by: Lauren

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  • Lauren

    Hi all! I’m new to the website and am now waiting to see my (third!) cosmetic surgeon to discuss breast enlargement! Today I had a discussion online with the assistant of Dr. She asked me to send some photos of my breasts and she told me that Dr felt I had a mild case of tubular breasts and that I may need re shaping and a nipple lift. This is not something any of the previous plastic surgeons I have met with have told me. I’ve never felt my breasts were tubular. Has anybody else had this problem? I really only wanted the enlargement, nipple lift and re shaping comes in at around ££££ and is massively out of my price range and a lot more invasive. Feeling upset and confused right now 🙁

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by myamoderator 138. Reason: Content is against MYA's community guidelines

    Hey Lauren. I have very mild tubular breasts. I always wondered why my boobs were weirdly shaped didn’t even know it was a real thing haha until I went for my consultation? I’m not going through mya but my surgeon said it’s fine and the implants help correct it. I’ve seen other before and after photos online when they have had the same issue as us, after just implants they look a lot better. So it depends on how tubular they are I guess

    Hannah 29

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    Some tubular breasts can be corrected with just implants and releasing the crease of your “under boob”. That’s what ive had done

    Janet 38

    Hi Lauren it’s surprising how surgeons differ…my first surgeon told me I needed a nipple lift and I declined it with my pc who failed to pass this information on…Long story short, on my day of surgery I was sent home because he refused to do my implants without the nipple lift!! I re booked with another surgeon and said if I have to have the nipple lift I’ll just have to suck it up and pay the extra (not that I thought I needed one!) but the second surgeon literally scratched his head and said it wouldn’t have crossed his mind to offer me one.
    I’m now 4 weeks pos op after having ba only and I couldn’t be happier. So I guess moral of the story is get some diff opinions and go with your gut. Good luck xx



    I had a mild case of tubular breast (so mild I didn’t notice like yourself). My surgeon pointed it out. I did feel like I didn’t like the shape of my breast.

    My surgeon said a teardrop implant would improve the shape and size of my breast and is best for tubular breasts. I did have the option (as should you) to have a round implant which is cheaper but my surgeon advised that it would be my current mild tubular breast shape just bigger….so it comes down to if you like your current breast shape or not. If the shape doesn’t bother you and you just want them bigger, a round implant would be fine I’d say (as this is what my surgeon said).

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