tummy tuck advise please Started by: Louise Poole

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    Hiya ladies I’m 3 weeks post op today and my scar (not all of it just the middle and belly button) is starting to weep yellow gunk andmy skin around it is also red, it is slightly painful too. Did anyone else have this? What did they do about it? I have rang my MYA office but no one has got back to me yet (I rang Saturday morning and they said they would get a nurse to call me back same day)

    christie -1

    I havent had that done but id ring them back, sounds like a infection xx

    Leona 1

    I haven’t had a tummy tuck Hun but I’ve had a c section and yes to me sounds like an infection. I would call your gp and see if you can get some anti biotics xx

    Yana 51

    Ring that emergency number and see the nurse. That sounds nasty:(
    Hope it goes well..


    Thank you everyone I’ll call out of hours now. Hope I get it sorted soon.

    Yana 51

    Hi, how are you doing?
    I have a nurse check up and discovered a big skin sore from the corset:( she cleaned and dressed that and said to come back in3 days.
    How is your incisions? Did you get them seen?

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