Twilight?? Started by: carly

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  • carly

    Any1 had there BA going under with twilight and not anesthetic?? they said twilight would be better for me with having 2 young children, I just wondered what 2 expect with this???xx


    Hi, I has my surgery under twilight 10 months ago, as I was teriffied of going under general! I also have 2 young children and wanted to recover quick as possible without all the side effects of anaesthetic. I’m so glad I chose that option, gave me no side effects, Just felt really sleepy, dozed a bit and woke up still in theatre just as they were moving me on to the bed. Felt a bit tired after but put me so much at ease knowing I wasn’t going properly under. If you have any more questions feel free to ask xx


    Hi Carly! I had twilight anaesthesia with Mr Kazzazi 10 days ago and I have to say it is fantastic! I’ve never had any kind of operation before so was TERRIFIED When I was told I would be semi awake/dozing in and out of sleep. I freaked myself out so much in the few hours before the op that I was in tears and shaking, but the anaesthetist was so kind and I held his hand through the whole thing (not that I remember a great deal because I felt like I was having a lovely nap!) I was scared and closed my eyes from the minute they popped the tiny cannula into my left, and as soon as the anaesthetic started to work I just felt very calm and warm and sleepy and really unaware of what was going on around me, I remember snoozing then stirring and mumbling something and a nurse saying ‘nearly done sweetie’ and then suddenly I was awake and fully with it 🙂 nice and warm and comfy too! I sobbed a little when They wheeled me into my room but apparently that’s a natural reaction and I was chatting to my mum and dad and eating toast immediately, with no nasty side effects like being sick or constipation (they give you anti sickness in your drip at the same time as the anaesthetic, pretty nifty!) twilight is amazing, and coming from a total wuss when it comes to pain threshold, I would reckoned jt to anybody and everybody! Hope this helps ease your mind!:) Amanda xxx

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