Twilight over general Anaesthetic? Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    I’m currently looking at this issue and because I am usually a sickly nauseous person. Gas made me very sick in labour. I understand twilight doesn’t totally knock you out and no ventilation required but I’m worried that you could still feel the Op under twilight. I like the sound of the quick recovery and no adverse vomiting side effects etc but a bit worried , what if I felt pain and it didn’t work ?! Transform are full anaesthetic and Dr KazazI uses twilight . It sounds great twilight but will it be enough to put me out so I feel nothing ? Thanks xx

    Olivia 30

    The anaesthetist gives you the lowest dose and then adds to it more and more until your sedated before they start anything at all. nothing at all happens until you are already sedated, the injections don’t go into your chest until they know your sedated and pain free. The anaesthetist will come in and talk to you about it all and it will make you feel at ease, she will explain how nothing will be done until you are sedated and pain free, you won’t know what’s going on around you and you will more than likely go to sleep, they monitor you throughout the whole surgery to make sure you stay sedated and it feels like you have been asleep. Honestly it is nothing at all to worry about xxx


    Thanks Olivia, you have put my mind at ease. I really think this would be best option for me with my nausea issues etc.. thanks xx

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