Type of pain after BA? Is it really bearable??? Started by: Emma

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  • Emma 5

    Hey girls!

    At the moment I’m only going to my first consultation on Monday but I’ve already got dates in mind I want my surgery which I want roughly in Nov/Dec time. Think I’m overthinking already but can anyone describe the actual pain post op? I’m so nervous about the pain especially a day or 2 after, I know under the muscle is meant to be worse and I have literally hardly any tissue to my boobs so I have a feeling I’m gonna have to go for that but I’m soooo scared!! Just dreading waking up & being in the worst pain ever! Is anyone able to put me at ease PLEASE? Ha!



    Hi Emma! I had my surgery last week implants under the muscle! I was so surprised because I was expecting the worst possible pain but it’s really not that bad. When you wake up you won’t be in agony as they would give you some pain relief in theatre. All I have taken the last week is ibuprofen 400mg 3 x daily and paracetamol 500mg 3 x daily. Don’t get me wrong it is hard work trying to get up out of bed etc but as long as you have someone to help you about for the first few days after surgery then you will be fine! ????


    Hey @emmac1993

    The first 2 days were actually really easy, probably still had loads of drugs in my system. Mornings were the worst by far … But the muscle relaxants & painkillers I was given kick in really quick which was epic!

    Had a few days that were very tender and swollen. T-rex mommy cause I couldn’t lift my arms.

    I’m 11 days post op now & still a little swollen & nipples are crazy sensitive but it’s all been barrable.

    350cc unders

    Lauren 54

    I found it more of an uncomfortable/ heavy feeling rather than painful. I’m now 13 days post op and they ache a little in the morning and as the day goes on but nothing to warrant pain killers

    Nat 19

    I had mine yesterday and the pain right after was pretty bad, I was getting muscle spasms which were awful but I slept right through the night and feel much better today! No more spasms and just that tight uncomfortable feeling rather than pain. Bending and reaching is a struggle though so make sure you have someone to help you out for anything that might involve that. I had unders which are meant to be more painful too and it’s really not too bad!!

    Emma 5

    Thanks for your replies girls!! I do actually feel much better about it now! Hate that anxious feeling not knowing what to expect but so many people do it so surely I should be able to cope! If you don’t mind me asking who was your surgeon girls? I’ll be getting mine done at Preston and heard really good things about Dr Traynor? Haven’t found a bad comment about him yet!

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