Typical wait time from 1st consultation to surgery? Personal experiences? Started by: Eevie

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  • Eevie 35

    Hi everyone,

    I’ve booked my initial consultation which I know is with a PC…how quickly did you all have to wait to have your second consultation (with your surgeon) and then your surgery?

    I know it will all be different depending on surgeon etc but to get a general idea of time in between your initial consultation and surgery date would be really helpful 🙂

    Thank you

    Olivia 30

    My first consultation was on the 31st December, met my surgeon on 10th January, had my pre op 26th January, met my surgeon again on the 28th Feb and then had my surgery on 3rd march. So altogether between my first consultation and my surgery I only waited 8 weeks xxx

    Eevie 35

    Thank you @olivia 🙂 so not long at all then!

    Are all of the consultations including the pre op at your local clinic? Or is the pre op at the hospital you got your surgery at?

    Thank you 🙂

    Olivia 30

    All of my consultations were at the Leeds clinic, the only time I went to the hospital is for my surgery. I could of had the op in Feb if I wanted but I didn’t have the money in Feb so I booked for march instead. It all depends on your availability, but it can be a very quick process like mine was if you have a lot of availability, I’m now 2 days post op and I’m honestly on cloud 9!xxx

    Eevie 35

    It’s good to know all of the consultations are in the clinic 🙂
    My availability is good so hopefully I can get things moving fairly quickly 🙂

    Aww I bet you are so happy. I hope you’re healing well! I am so excited to go to my 1st consultation and start the journey to surgery, Ive wanted it for so long now! xx

    Gemma 29

    Depends on availability. My first consultation was at the beginning of December 2016 and was due to get my op on 13th March until it was cancelled due to the surgeon going off sick. I’m nw booked back in for the end of July. So as long as this one doesn’t get cancelled then I’ll have waited 8 months. Unfortunately I can’t just get time off as and when so everything needs to be pre planned well in advance. Xx

    Jessica 105

    I had my PC consultation beginning of feb, not seeing the surgeon to the end of this month as it was the earliest I could get in. Hopefully will get booked in asap, realistically I think my surgery will be May unless he can squeeze me in for april x

    Lou 101

    6th January – made online Enquiry
    10th January – consultation & met Surgeon
    13th January – booked surgery
    19th pre op
    6th February – surgery


    i saw my PC for first consultation on the 3rd feb, the surgeon & pre op on 7th feb and my op on 22nd feb! all at transform they were amazing

    Lauren 26

    2nd Feb – Called up
    4th Feb – Met my PC / first consultation
    22nd Feb- Met the surgeon
    3rd of March – Pre OP with nurse

    OP DATE – booked for 28th March

    Eevie 35

    Thank you @gemma @jessica @lou @katie and @lauren ! 🙂

    It sounds like things can be pretty swift if your availability it ok 🙂 I have the money ready and my availability is very good so hopefully I will be able to get booked in for surgery fairly soon depending on the surgeons wait time 🙂

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