Uhp Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    I’m having uhp implants does anyone know if They measure or look bigger than say hp or mods due to the projection..? Not heard much about uhp and can’t seem to find much on Google either πŸ™ Im having 375cc uhp x


    @corran2510 UHP give you more projection but are narrower in base width than other implants. They are for small framed women. I’m having them too hun xx


    @lisamaria thanks Hun Im really nervous but also excited as to what they’re gonna look like afterwards! Xx


    @corran2510 I know what you mean hun, but I’m sure they will be amazing! πŸ™‚ x

    kelly p 33

    Having them too πŸ™‚


    I had 350uhp 6days ago and they look fab I’m measuring a 30f atm

    Tyler 42

    I’m having the same as you on Friday hun πŸ™‚ xx


    @cocochanelle omg bet they look Sooo good!!


    @tylerjade21 I know our stats are pretty much the same too I cannot wait to see what yours look like lol!! Will be good to compare after ive got mine too see if they’re any different lol x

    Tyler 42

    I know hun πŸ™‚ what size you hoping to be? Xx


    @tylerjade21 hoping to get a D but after seeing other girls pictures I wouldn’t mind being a little bigger lol Ive been considering asking for a little bigger implant but really don’t want to risk rippling! Plus anythings better than what ive got now lol x

    Tyler 42

    I’m the same hun, they would of offered us bigger if they thought we wouldn’t ripple so im sticking to the biggest he offered me πŸ™‚ xx

    Leigh 63

    I am having 350/375 UHP implants over. They will definitely have more projection than other profile implants. Dr Mounir said that he is giving me UHP to reduce the chance of rippling as they are a harder implant and have less give than the other profile implants x


    @lr666 oh really that’s good then I didn’t ask why he said uhp for me but I trust him 100% x

    Leigh 63

    I don’t have a lot of breast tissue at the minute, only a b cup. Was originally going to have HP partials but because of sports we have decided to go over the muscle, so he said seeing as we are changing the placement of the implant he said he’d give me UHP so that there isn’t too much chance of rippling. I haven’t seen loads of girls with UHP so I know how you feel about being unsure but the few I have seen with them look great! When you having yours done Corran? x


    @lr666 my ops on May 29th seems a lifetime away atm lol! What size are you hoping to achieve? I Have literally nothing to work with Im a AA! When’s your surgery x

    Leigh 63

    It will be here before you know it but I know what you mean about seeming a life time away. When did you pay your deposit and book your date? I am currently a 32b and would like to be a DD. How about you, what size do you want to be? My surgery is the 10th April so starting to get a lot closer now for me but I booked my surgery on the 23rd December so I’ve been waiting about 16 weeks! So trust me, I know how it feels to have to wait. But it is coming!! xx


    @lr666I paid my deposit in February and I had my consultation with a friend and she had her surgery on the 15th of this month! I was so jealous being there with her but they look amazing and made me so excited for mine.. After being there with her on the day there really isn’t nothnig to it! Wow you’ve had a long wait too bet your so glad it’s almost here! I wasn’t sure on sizes but mr Mounir told me I need to be around a D to make me in proportion with my lower half which is what I asked for to be in proportion. I had originally booked may 15th for surgery with Mr Kazazzi but he offered me 250cc to take me to a B and I felt Id still be in the same situation Im in now not being in proportion xx

    Leigh 63

    Oh I feel your pain, you went to the consultation with your friend and she’s already had hers done??! Wow, I bet you were so jealous but you think, you’re next and yours wills look just as amazing! Did you support her through her surgery day as well did you? That’s so cool that you’ve done this with a friend, least you’ve had eachother. My boyfriend must be so bored of me talking about this now! Lol. Will she be with you on your surgery date? Did she haev hers done with Dr Mounir aswell? Must be great seeing the results, would make me even more excited!
    Yes, I am so glad that the date is nearly here now, so fed up with waiting and being excited! Wanted this for years, just want it finally done now but only 17 days left to go, compared to my 120 it was to start with!
    Yeah, when I met with Kazzazi he offered me quite a low size but Dr Mounir was perfect when I met him, so happy with me decision in surgeon! I see that you are also at Nottingham with Kimberley, me too πŸ˜€ You been buying everything you need or you waiting closer to the date to get your post op musts? xx


    @lr666 yeah we both went together originally to have our ops together but I didn’t get accepted for finance so I had to put mine back a couple of months and she went ahead this month. Id have felt so guilty of she didn’t though and waited cus I know how I feel now having to wait and I bet it would have killed her waiting when she didn’t have to lol but hers looks great and her recoverys been fab to which makes me feel positive for mine! It’s been nice to have a friend going through the same and always sending pics of boobs to eachother lol She had mr kazazzi she had a bit of boob to begin with anyway so she got a decent size with him. I was so nervous for her on the day but your literally in and out of surgery there really isn’t nothing to it at all.. Sure I won’t be saying this when I’m on my way to the hospital though lol! I’m unsure yet as my ops in manchester so not sure if I’ll have to stay overnight in a hotel or something which might be a problem as she’s got two young boys and work etc but we will see.. If not my bf or mum will have the pleasure lol. Wow 120 and here was me moaning about 60 something and having to put my date back two weeks!! Atleast your almost there now I bet your so excited! Me too as soon as I met Mr mounir I was like yessss he’s the one for me lol he made me feel so much better about myself! Aw yeah I love the team at nottingham everyone’s so nice there! I’m waiting till closer to the time I know if I get everything now the weeks will drag by.. Are you all prepared? Xx

    Leigh 63

    Hey Corran. How are you today chick? Aww really, that’s rubbish. So what did you have to do, wait a few months and then reapply for finance? It would be great to have a friend do it before you, then you get to see the whole process and just be more excited! Your day will be here so soon! Aww that’s great to know that the day procedure will be done quickly as much as I just seem to be thinking about the end result, nerves haven’t kicked in yet.
    How far away are you from Manchester? I’ve had to book a hotel as I am about 4 hour drive away from Preston. I’ve even checked out where the local dominoes is lol.
    Ummm, no I’ve still got quite a bit to get so will probably do that next week. All I’ve got so far is 3 macom bras and my v pillow. I’ve been looking for front fastening pj’s and do you think I can find any anywhere? Ofcourse not! xx

    kelly p 33

    Sorry to jump in on this but I have bought some front fastening pjs from BHS
    not exactly what i would cool fashionable but they are practical and only Β£15
    and tbh for the first few weeks don’t think we girls are going to worry about looking sexy in bed πŸ™‚ ha ha xxx

    Leigh 63

    Aww thanks Kelly, I will have a look there! Never thought about BHS. Help appreciated as I really was running out of places to look. I see that you are 5’7. Are the bottoms long as I have really long legs. Thanks again! xx

    kelly p 33

    yes they are long enough if you know what i mean
    there not ankle swingers,
    there quite gernrously sized
    think they do 8/10or 12/14
    im a size 10/12 and got the 12/14 they are too big but i knew the 8/10 wouldn’t fit me xx
    they are lightweight cotton as well xx

    Leigh 63

    I was even contemplating just buying a night shirt and then just mismatching them with some pj’s that I have as I always buy extra long ones. I just couldn’t find front fastening! Thanks so much for answering that one for me πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ Massive help! Are you getting excited? Yours is close now isn’t it? xx

    kelly p 33

    I’m super excited I just hope they live up to my expectations
    I want a good pair of boobies for once ha ha
    Are you excited !? Xxxx


    @lr666 hi babe, no ive just hardcore saved the last few weeks, used savings and borrowed some off my dad to pay in full instead. Honestly it’s nothing to worry about, Im the biggest baby when it comes to needles, blood and anything medical lol all I have to do is walk into a hospital and I feel hot and weak at the knees haha! Pain Im fine with though and ive had a general and cannula before (also nothing to worry about) I think it’s about a two hour drive from nottingham to manchester.. Not to sure but I really don’t want to be in a hotel and to get home ASAP lol. I thought Id also be at Preston then my pc told me Id be in manchester. My friend got some front fastening ones from Primark a couple of weeks ago think they was about Β£8 xx

    Leigh 63

    @kellyp030184 I know, I am the same. I am very excited I just feel a little uneasy about UHP for some reason…suppose with no having loads of girls to chat to and them not being used that often by the seems of things. I was originally going to have 400cc HP partials but because of sports I am now having overs, meaning that we’ve had to get implants to suit my tiny figure with overs! I was so happy with the 400 hp partials but feel uneasy about 350cc UHP overs. Weird I know! He is ordering my 320/350/375 and I am definitely pushing for the 375 on the day. And also, I worry about how narrow the implant is. Did he tell you why he was UHP on you? xx

    Leigh 63

    Hey Corran. How are you today chick? Haha, that is some hardcore saving and so lovely that your dad has helped you out. Better than having to pay a company back!
    I hope it’s nothing to worry about, I’ve had a cannula in my hand before but that’s as far as it goes with hospitals, always been lucky with my health and never had to be in there. My Dad has been put to sleep before and he said it’s the nicest feeling, hope he’s not just saying this to make me feel better. Either way, I am getting out at the end of things with the things I have been wanting for years so it will be sooooo worth it! I know what you mean about the hotel but that’s a long drive especially when you’ve just had surgery. Take your man with you, means you could get a nice room together πŸ™‚ Manchester… I thought Dr Mounir only operates at the First Trust Hospital in Preston? Just make sure with those primark bras that there is enough support as you want to be holding those implants in place to reduce the chance of cc xxx

    kelly p 33

    @leigh I could of had HP but only could of had 325cc and he said if I wanted more cc I would have to go for the UHP
    I have a very small breast width of 11.25cm and the implant width is 11.5 he won’t go much above as i don’t have much skin to stretch over the implant,
    Although i am a curvy size 10 /12 I’m so narrow up top with no lax to my skin at all , even tho i have had a child
    My breast tissue is very tight.
    Im having unders as again not enough tissue to cover the implant.
    My surgeon told me UHP implants have huge projection and on me the 375cc will be a large implant.
    He is ordering the 400cc as well for me but said he wouldn’t take any risks and if it didn’t fit he wouldn’t put it in.
    He’s quite old school and doesn’t want to create ay added risks for no reason.
    Im nervous about the UHP too i just think from what I’ve read is from the side view they stick out more.
    I could be wrong tho.
    They are also narrower so if you are narrower up top they fit your breast width better and you won’t get a top heavy look which can make you look fatter
    i could be wrong tho xx

    kelly p 33

    Girls with bras get the best you can afford,
    no offence to prim ark but these things are costing us a lot of money and we need to take care of them xx

    Leigh 63

    @kellyp030184 Ahhh I see! Naturelle have a bigger base than mentor implants. I’m getting the tape measure out when I get home because I want to measure because I can’t remember what my surgeon measured me as. However, there is a 2cm difference between the width of the HP and the UHP. I really do hope it will be ok and they won’t be too narrow and I have quite broad shoulders to be fair. Definitely measuring when I get home! My PC said that I won’t really notice the difference between the widths, let hope not! Where are you having yours done if you don’t mind me asking? The projection is half a cm more than the 400cc hp that I was going to have so the projection will definitely be there! And they are a lot more firm meaning less chance of rippling (the reason why I am having UHP as my surgeon advised).
    Let’s just hope that they will still look nice but I suppose anything is better than the little things I have now. I am trying soooo hard to put weight on in the next 2 weeks! What date is your op?

    I 100% agree with you, pay decent money for the sports bra as you are paying one hell of a lot of money to even get your boobs. I’ve bought 3 macoms because I am deifnitely looking after my new boobies! xx


    @kellyp030184 @lr666 sorry for the confusion girls I meant front fastenings pjs lol! Your dad if so right being put to sleep is so nice! I’m so excited for that part lol when I was put to sleep my son was about 5 months old and I woke up feeling so refreshed lol was the best sleep Id had in months haha! That’s what I thought about mr Mounir being a Preston Id started planning my journey and stay there then realised I didn’t ask where my op was going to be so I emailed my pc and she said manchester :/ Im going to ring up and double check. Will Definatley be staying in a hotel if Im in Preston x

    kelly p 33

    I’m going to East Grinstead In East sussex
    I am having naterelle implants hun
    They fit my bwd so I shouldn’t end up with that ball in s sock look uhp can give you
    For my size my breast width is tiny
    It’s so weird
    Girls two stone lighter than me can have a wider breast width it’s so strange
    I don’t get it. X

    Leigh 63

    Awww front fastening pj’s hahaha makes sense now! Kinda glad you weren’t talking about bras lol. That is exactly what my dad said, the best sleep ever! I definitely believe him now you have just reiterated it the same!
    I have just had a quick look back at my email that I received when I paid my deposit and they do say Manchester look …. .It was lovely to speak to you earlier and I can confirm your Breast Augmentation procedure has been booked for Friday 10th April 2015 with the fabulous Mr Mounir at the First Trust Hospital in Manchester’
    It’s definitely in Preston though which is close to Manchester. Bear with me 2 secs and I will get the hospital address and postcode for you Corran xx

    Leigh 63

    First Trust Hospital
    D’Urton Lane
    PR3 5LD


    @lr666 ahh makes sense! Good Job i spoke to you Id be at the bridge water hospital looking for Mr mounir!! My email just said your op is in Manchester so I assumed wrong lol! Going to look at hotels now then i know I’ll be needing one! But yeah i enjoyed being put to sleep and adterwards I was fine I felt great actually but ive seen girls who have been sick and stuff afterwards but fingers crossed that doesn’t happen to you lol xx

    Leigh 63

    Hahaha, wow so glad I spoke to you too and confirmed that!! I was sent 6 hotels in Preston near the hospital. I will attach the file so you can see ( I can’t promise it will come up on her, if not then I could email it to you) xx …. it does work, just click on the link

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    @lr666 it says it can’t open it! My emails corranemma25@hotmail.co.uk
    My god I know can you imagine how embarrasing that would be lol Id be speeding off to Preston! X

    Leigh 63

    Just emailed it chick xx

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