Ultra high profile? Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    I’ve booked my surgery date for 29th feb in my latest appointment I have been recommended 325cc ultra high profile over the muscle? I want a natural look I’m only 5ft currently a full 34b, I am quite worried they will look too fake. I have a good amount of breast tissue to start with but I do worry that ultra high profile will look to much. Can anyone provide before and after pics or their experience with ultra high?


    Hey Jasmine

    Ive not yet had my surgery but having it done in 5 days time
    I’m having 460 cc uhp round implants under the muscle
    I’m 5ft 4 8 stone and currently a 32a bra size my surgeon doesn’t like the fake look but I told her I want descent size boobs I said I didn’t want them huge but I didn’t want them small either so because I have little breast tissue she recommended me uhp so I get more projection She did offer me 420 cc uhp at first but I thought it wasn’t going to be enough so I asked her would she go any higher and she said 460 cc uhp no more as it would look too much she said it would flatter my figure
    I was so worried it would be too much but she’s re assured me I’ve decided to just trust her as she’s got many years of experience
    and going under the muscle you lose abit of size with it going under the muscle
    so that’s my reason why I asked for abit bigger then 420 cc uhp xx


    But your having overs ain’t you xx


    I do trust the surgeon obviously I know he has recommended them for a reason! I just don’t want to end up loosing out on cleavage, It’s so hard to research uhp because it seems rare to be offered. He actually offered me 295cc or 320cc but I feel like I’d have definite boob greed at 295 I’ve done my research and it was always going to be at least 300 or above!! But because I have enough breast tissue he says it will be enough to cover the implant. I still my pre op coming up so may discuss it then, I have an image of what I don’t want my boobs to look like I think now it’s all booked in I’m getting worried! Please keep me updated with your progress I hope everything goes okay for you xxx


    I know what you mean I’ve also tried to search up uhp and not many come up which worried me at the start but some people are scared to get uhp because they think it will look too fake but it all depends on how big your going with the implant I would ask again to make sure your definitely happy
    what don’t you want your boobs to look like ?
    And I’ll definitely keep you updated I’m having them done in 5 days which is the 5 th of Feb so I’ll post a picture up xx

    Amanda 3

    Hi! I had 350cc UHP under muscle done yesterday. And I know it’s only day 1 but I don’t think they are going to look too fake. He reccomended UHP for me because I was at more risk of ‘symastia’ because my boobs are naturally quite close together so it’s to avoid a uni boob!


    I just don’t want them to look fake and stuck on! Like anyone really…. I just would ideally like them to sit quite natural and not be the first thing you notice when looking at me.

    Amanda do you mind me asking what your stats are so height weight etc? I’m not at risk of symastia it’s purely because I’m so small and have narrow chest space. I would rather them look quite full rather than adding lots of height


    I just don’t want them to look fake and stuck on! Like anyone really…. I just would ideally like them to sit quite natural and not be the first thing you notice when looking at me.

    Amanda do you mind me asking what your stats are so height weight etc? I’m not at risk of symastia it’s purely because I’m so small and have narrow chest space. I would rather them look quite full rather than adding lots of height

    Amanda 3

    Hey jasmine!
    I’m 5ft 2 and 8st. So far so good I don’t feel like they are too high even tho I know they are still going to drop quite abit!


    Hi. I had 375 UHP from a 32a/b and I am 2 weeks post op. They are really hard and have to drop and fluff yet but already I love them.


    Pre do you have any pics of pre op and post op? Also did you go over or under muscle??x


    Yes. The top is 7 days PO and the other is obviously before. I had unders x


    @ jasmineroseent

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by preeeee1775 3.
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    They don’t look too big to me especially in a top I used to always wear those huge padded bras anyway and they look like that in a top but now it’s actually my boobs and not the padding. They’ve got to drop into the pockets which is why they look higher at the top at the minute and they’re rock hard still but I don’t think they look stuck on or fake x

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by preeeee1775 3.

    They look fab 😍 Just wait until they drop and fluff as well!!! I bet your so pleased! I’m still unsure on the uhp most people who get it go under but I’ll definitely be going over. Such a hard decision I wish I could see all the options first before surgery 😂


    I know I am really pleased! What’s making you going with overs? They told me that overs can look natural still providing there’s enough tissue to cover the implant but I wanted unders anyway just incase as I was boarderline x


    I had partial under overs ultra high profile 320cc in one and 295cc in the other, 4 months post op and I love them


    Picture here ☺️

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    Gone from a 34aa to a 34d or c in some bras

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