Overs will look overall rounder and are less time as in recovery as not as evasive i believe from my surgeons info, iv had under the muscle as i wanted a nutrual look and benifits reduced chance of rippling and that i was also told they’d be held in place better, although still a nice size. Iv had 400 and 430 UHP round unders. I think i should be in more discomfort/ pain than anyone partial or over muscle but considering i feel pretty good just sore and tight. I read an avid gym goer somewhere on the forum not long back whos back at gym who had unders and only like 6 odd weeks post op she was doing great but not doing her normal major workout but felt she wasnt far from her pre op workouts. Theres alot that goes into choosing position ect so do your research and think about whats better for you, your recovery will be over before you know it regardless so don’t worry, Good luck xx