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  • Dani 1

    I’m meeting my surgeon today so it’s not confirmed but pretty sure I’m having under the muscle due to my lack of boob :’)

    Was wondering how people felt after and when did you go back to work? I’m at a desk in an office so they said a week off work is enough.. how about you girls ??

    Gemma B 95

    It depends if you need to drive to get there too. I had unders, the first few days I couldn’t do much at all. By 1wpo I was out and about more, but couldn’t drive until 2wpo even though I felt fine in myself. I just couldn’t switch gears. So if you need to drive yourself there I would say to take the full 2 weeks… i’d personally recommend the full 2 weeks anyway, just in case! But some people do feel absolutely fine after 1 week xxx

    Chloe 18

    Hi Dani i had under the muscle 4 weeks ago and i found it a lot less painful than some people make it out to be but I suppose everyone is different. Don’t get me wrong the first couple of days I couldn’t really do much for myself but I didn’t need the codeine. I took paracetamol and ibuprofen for the first week but didn’t need any pain killers after that. By 9 days post op I was back to work and driving – feeling totally normal just the odd ache and shooting pain and the fact that they don’t feel like they belong on your chest yet. I also have a desk job! Xx

    Halley 40

    I had mine done yesterday and I’m in agony! It’s so painful! Just waiting for my partner to do my breakfast so I can take some more painkillers! It hurts way more than I’d imagined, but if it gets the results I want then it’ll be worth it! I’m trying to really focus on using my legs and core for moving about as any time my chest muscles activate that’s when I can really feel the worst of the pain. If you have any specific questions feel free to message me x

    Claire Glover 37

    I had overs yesterday and the nurse told me I couldn’t drive for 2 weeks as I wouldn’t be covered on the insurance. So that’s probably a question you’ll need to ask when you have a consulation.
    I’ve booked 6 days off work so i have a full week and a bit off.

    My pain is currently more of a sore pain so I imagine unders are worse and more achey as well as sore.
    Personally the worst bit so far is getting out of my bed, I made the mistake of sleeping in the middle of my large double and had to shuffle over it took about 5 mins hahaha.
    Once the pain killers kick in I feel okay and I can straighten out abit more xx

    JM 24

    Had mine Wednesday, I never thought it would hurt this much. I am not a baby with pain and have a really high pain threshold. I had a reaction to the meds so ended up staying the night don’t know I that haa something to do with the pain. Feel better today just got a burning, ripping, searing pain where the incisions are when I move I can deal with that though so hopefully start to heal now.

    Tracy 38

    I had my op yesterday, it was no walk in the park. 300cc dual plane. I slept on 2 pillows, a v shaped pillow and a neck pillow. Slept very well. Really sore today more than painful. Any questions please feel free to message xx


    I had unders one week ago and I am going back to work Monday – I only booked a week off. I feel ready to go back to work (mainly because I’m so bored!). I think I’ll be fine as I also have an office job but I still feel weak and won’t be 100% myself. I get the underground to work so am a bit nervous about that as it gets so busy. I think as long as you take it easy and don’t push yourself too hard you’ll be fine.

    I found the pain manageable when sitting still but was unable to get myself up or do the smallest task for about 4 days as the pain through your chest when using your arms is quite sharp. It’s always worst first thing in the morning so I’d recommend setting your alarm in the night to take pain killers and muscle relaxants so you don’t wake up cramped up and in pain.

    It’s definitely worth it for the few days of pain – just make sure you have someone to help you and take your pain killers every 4 hours.

    Marie sh 24

    I think everyone is different. I personally only took paracetamol for 3 days and nothing else, and managed to do everything I’d normally do apart from work and drive. I suffered with my bum and sleeping upright more than anything. I had 335 unders just over 3 weeks ago
    . I am a nurse so can be very heavy moving people etc, so I did a shift a couple of days ago and it was hard work moving people and will be going back next weekend to try again. Xx

    Stacey 6

    Everyone recovers differently, can depend on your current size and what your going too!
    From my experience take 2 weeks off! Even after two weeks I struggled driving, like previous have said putting car into gear!

    Lindayloo 3

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    Hiya, I had mine done last Friday (20.04.18) and I have to say I didn’t expect to feel so uncomfortable. I have had four kids, and the recovery after birth is much quicker. However, everyone is different. Today I managed to drive and do some light housework x

    Nadz 4

    I had my surgery today, 300cc unders… I’’ve got a high pain threshold but I’m in absolute agony!

    Nicole 4

    I had my surgery on Monday 4/23/18, 575cc saline unders, through the armpit. I have a crazy high tolerance for pain, I’ve had multiple stomach surgeries and two children without blinking an eye. I do have to say that this procedure is by far the worst pain I’ve ever felt, I woke up right after surgery hyperventilating and crying because I couldn’t stand the pain, it was instant. I also have the pain med tolerance of Janice Joplin so not many meds work for me. The first 3 days are horrible, by day 4 and 5 you slowly regain use of everything but in moderation. Remember to breathe through the pain, catching a deep full breath will be hard for the first couple days. Slow deep breathing was great for my mind and soul. I took one week off and plan to return to life as normal on Monday (with limits of course), I drive an automatic and don’t have to drive far or during any rush hours so I’m feeling pretty confident at this point. Make sure you REST, REST, REST that first week you have off.

    Dani 1

    Omg thank you girls !!! I’m ready for the aches n pains. Everyone really does experience different things! I’m going for 325 cc and in a 32A .. prob gonna ache. HOPE YOU ALL RECOVER WELL AND TAKE THE WORLD BY STORM WITH YO NEW LADIES 😉 ❤️

    Sophia 47

    I had my surgery on Monday, 6 days ago. The first 2 days were impossibly painful, I’m not going to lie. Everything was impossible. Breathing, talking, eating, going to the toilet, pulling up your knickers, all virtuallly impossible. But day 3 was a turning point where things seemed to much less painful. I’m now on day 6 and I’m in no pain, except when I wake up first thing in the morning, and I’m able to do most things, slowly and in moderation. It’s better everyday x

    Klaudie 3

    Hi. Pic before after in MYA bra. Finaly done im 4 days after surgery 325cc HP under m. Whit Dr.Max Marcellino ????in London on 25.04.2018 and im still in pain . ????

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