unders or overs Started by: pixiepixie1989

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    Sooo im having my surgery on tuesday with gary traynor iv heard that hes really good and I do trust him but my problem is iv heard a lot of negitive comments about going over the muscle
    He has said he wants to do mine over but has anyone got any advice about it
    Thankyou x


    Not sure if this is helpful (I’m not as far in the process as you) but my pc told me that it depends on how much breast tissue you have. If you already have enough to cover the implants then they will still look natural… But I’m sure he has decided on what’s best for you!!


    I was the same, I’ve had mine over but thought under was better. It depends on your boobs as to which one is better. If you don’t have much breast tissue and have it under it will look stretched and fake. I had mine over as I lost a fair bit of weight so had quite a lot of loose skin so Dr Mounir decided it would be better to go over and fill this in. I asked my PC and she reassured me that the surgeon will do whatever will look better for you. I had mine done a week ago and at first they looked so high!! They have already dropped a bit and look so much better! Hope this helps set your kind at rest x


    Also, my friend had hers done under the muscle and was trying to put me off having it over…but everything is dependant on your body

    Nicki 1

    I had over from 34aa. I went with mr Mounir but met mr traynor also n they both reccommended to go over the muscle. It’s true that they say if uv got little breast tissue to go under but it’s not always the case. I’m not sure what size u r now but like I say, I was tiny n a few girls have said how natural mine look so I wouldn’t worry xx


    i have had both placements, and they both look natural. each has their own issues and risks, but if the surgeon has offered you a certain placement, trust their judgement, they do this several times a day and have done for several years, and although we can all make mistakes, theres few on here that fully blame the surgeon for any issues that have arisen xx


    Thanks ladies I was just a bit worried as to what people have told about overs but I txt my patient co ordinator and she reasurred me he will do whats best for me thankyou xx


    I always believed unders were more natural after lots of research etc, then I met mr.t!! He totally blew me out of the water with his knowledge on where to put them for each person and why!! I had him last thurs and went over and mine look really natural, even though they haven’t dropped yet!!so don’t worry one bit Hun, what they tell you to go for is always what you should!! They know best and I think that the manchester clinic surgeons are the best!! Quite a few people have added me just to see his work even though they are based down south!! Xx


    Aww thankyou hun im in preston for mine I cant wait im so excited now 🙂 thankyou x

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