unders or overs? Started by: Tahia

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  • Tahia 3

    Hey girls I’m New to all th i I’m only just in the process of booking a consultation but am 100% ready for boobs! What are your opinions on unders and overs??


    Zoe 15

    how exiting! I had my consultation with my surgon yesterday, my op is on the 28th July, I’m having 400cc unders, he recomended unders too me as I don’t have much natural breast tissue so the muscle will help hide the implant, he also said unders have less change of showing rippling, aparently unders look more natural than overs but ive seen some people have amazing results from overs too & they look natural so I think it’s personal preferance when you meet your surgon he will suggest what’s best for your body. X

    Harriet 88

    Hi Tahia!

    Well, from what I understand on this forum, there are 3 placements, unders, partials, and overs. I had partials, myself.

    I believe that overs are shorter and less painful recovery, and take slightly less time to drop, and fluff out etc, but the cons are that mammograms are slightly more difficult, and that overs can look fake if you don’t have enough tissue. Also that overs can show the implant, and can have rippling, again, if you’ve gone too big.

    Unders recovery is more painful than overs, and takes longer for the implants to drop and fluff out, but they can look more natural, especially for girls who have less breast tissue. Unders can look and feel quite hard for a bit longer than overs.

    Partials is basically unders on the top bit of your boob and overs on the bottom, so it only partially goes under the muscle. This can also be a more natural look for those with slightly less breast tissue.

    The combination of these placements and the profile of the implant depends on what your body is like. Your surgeon will tell you in your Surgeon Consultation what;ll be best for you. xx

    Hayley 30

    I’ve got the option to go over or under but I’ve decided to go for overs (doubting whether I made the right decision) but I just think why have unders if I don’t need them it’s much more intrusive 🙂

    Tahia 3

    Yeah I guess a consultation will really help!
    So exciting even just at this stage!
    Bring on the twins ?? xx

    Charlotte 29

    I had my op yesterday and had overs feeling abit tight and achy today but other then that I’m fine 🙂 sorry I haven’t got a better picture xxx

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