Unders or Overs? Started by: Lauren

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  • Lauren

    Having trouble deciding on unders or overs. Surgeon recommended overs on the basis that if I wanted them more natural and to move more freely then this would be a better option. Not having kids yet would also be a better option for having overs so my boobs wouldn’t hopefully change too much or risk the double bubble of having unders. I went into it thinking I wanted unders as it would be more natural. Any help would be greatly appreciated !! Surgeon is ordering both types of implants so I can decide on the day of surgery.

    HayH 28

    I thought unders were more natural as you wouldn’t see so much of the implant shape? Also safer with unders x


    That’s why I was a little confused but the surgeon said when they are unders they are more stuck in one position and when you have overs they move more freely which is more natural hence why he said to go for that. I am just concerned when I have kids in the future it could ruin them being under the muscle! Did you have unders H? x

    HayH 28

    Yes I had 350cc hp unders, I don’t think there’s a guarantee your boobs will stay in position whether they are under or overs with having children I think there’s a risk to change either way it’s just something you have to consider and do your research on it, maybe ask a different surgeon and see what they say? I know some overs look natural just depends on your muscle mass and breast tissue you have to start with, some can also look stuck on and fake, also someone with the same stats as you can have such a different result even if your having the same size ect… so strange how it works out x

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by HayH 28.
    Louise 90

    I had overs, to me and others they don’t look un-natural. Unders and overs could give an un natural look depending on your body size and implant size etc, skin stretch and how your body adapts to them. Yes overs are abit more rounded and you can see the shape slightly more however i think many girls think you’d leave surgery with overs looking like the boobs of Victoria beckham in her bad days. For me and many other girls this isn’t the case and if your own surgeon has said this will look more natural on you becuase of this certain reason, I’d listen. I thought I was having unders the whole process even when I woke up after surgery only to find out I had overs, I cried and I was soo worried that I didn’t have enough breast tissue etc but I love my boobs, they aren’t too round circles stuck on me like I thought reading negative information/opinions xx

    Nikki 23

    @louiselou looking at your boobs has made me happy that I’m also getting overs I’m only looking at 375 or 400cc but yours look absolutely amazing and I’d be happy if mine turned out anything like yours I was so worried about hearing of overs but suppose there’s pros and cons of getting both unders or overs there’s risks in both xx

    Louise 90

    I only had 425cc so similar to you really! Your surgeon should know what’s best, and you can always see more surgeons or see your own surgeon for a second consultation for more info etc, hope surgery goes amazingly and you love them!xx

    Stacey 498

    I would go with your sugoens reccommending hun I had overs and like look totally natural overs can look natural and unders can accually look more fake on some people everybody is different and it’s a total myth that overs give the more fake look it all depends on the individual person also they be different risk on different people with regards to overs and unders for me the risk of bottoming out with unders wasn’t worth it as the more breast tissue you have the more higher your risks are with having unders xxx

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