UNDERS PAIN Started by: Chloe

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  • Chloe

    Ladies, how long does it take for the pain to ease after having unders. I feel like I can’t do anything for myself at the moment.

    Jess 150

    Hey I had Partials and I couldn’t do anything at all for 4-5 days xxx


    I had moderate plus unders on Monday, I know it’s only 2 days but I feel like it’s getting worse rather than better! I just can’t imagine the pain going at the moment. I’ve had reaction to the muscle relief tablets as well they make me feel terrible. What kind of things could you do after 5 days? Xxx

    Jess 150

    Awh don’t worry it does get better. Iv had a really slow recovery. After op I couldn’t sit up, left my glass of water, turn lights on or even lift the toilet seat! after 4-5 days I could managed to start doing it myself but was still very sore and still couldn’t really lift my arms much. I also had complication so that slowed me down even more. I didn’t go back to my office job until 3 weeks so if your feeling like your not getting better don’t worry it does take time and everyone heals differently xxx

    Bassett28 122

    Mine eased by week 2. Although I did get some pain driving to and from work etc for another week or so x

    Demi 29

    I wasn’t fine by day 4 stopped taking the meds day 3. Got my lashes done the day after surgery! No time for lying around xxx

    Demi 29


    Lou 101

    I’m a really active person (I work full time with horses) and have very strong chest muscles (years of riding and mucking out)
    I did very little for 2 weeks after my op. Day 4 was my worse day, but that night I also stopped the pain killers because of being bunged up on them.
    I’m now 4 weeks and back to work full time. Still get pain in my right boob but it’s not Terrible just sore.


    how is the pain and movement at 2weeks po anybody?

    Lou 101

    Not too bad. Depending how strong and tight your muscles are before you start. Faster they relax and let down faster your pain stops

    emma 40

    I was really sore and couldn’t do anything for about 3 days and was being sick day 2 but started feeling much better day 4/5 even though i wasnt mega mobile and managed to wash my hair by myself day 9. Starting driving on day 11 which was a bit naughty and was a bit sore but now 16 days post op and feeling pretty normal again. You will feel loads better in a few days. I wouldn’t push yourself if you don’t need to just wanna take it easy so you heal properly xxxxx

    Chelsea 3

    Have you had a wash/shallow bath yet? Im now 6MPO and I can remember I had my op on the Friday and Monday was my worse day of them all on the Tuesday my mum stripped washed me around the band and it eased off and I was totally fine after that, defiantly recommend a warm bath just to even ease off the pain, I didn’t take any tablets and also wasn’t active but I was back to work the Monday after (having 1 week off work) Hope your all good and are loving the new girls, also this forum was my life I checked up on it all the time for new tips so helpful 🙂 xxxx

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