unders vs overs Started by: lou23

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  • lou23


    to all you ladies who want there boobs to stay pert and not sag, if possible always go for unders do your reasurch x


    Yes I agree I’ve had 2 BAs under….however the implant does look smaller having under the muscle.

    missmanace 2

    I dont think it makes a difference it depends on how big your implants are if they are heavy then they will sag either way under or over!

    The thought of my implant staying up high on my chest and natural breast tissue sagging put me off unders so I think everyone has there own opinions on this.


    Yes i agree with missmanace just think when you are growing old (gracefully) you want your boobies to grow old with you not still be pert and high as natural breast do age along with you so it looks natural


    Hi All
    Yes i agree, i think theres pros and cons of having unders or overs. Mr singh suggested overs for me due to my age and breast tissue.
    Lainey im all set to catch my first train midday to london today, hope you and sarah are all ready.
    See you 10 am for the big BA.oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


    Hi nat yes im all packed and ready to go im leaving at 4am tonight(morning) you know what only this morning the nervous fairy kicked in see you at 10am here comes BA DAY lol

    missmanace 2

    Ahh congrats you girls your going to love them, let me know how you get on :)


    eh??I am confused?What look does unders/overs create?What does high/low profile mean?I have sagging breasts from breastfeeding and hoping I won’t need an uplift and that implants be ok alone.I guess that under muscle means the implant stays where it is put but overs sag as the skin does?Hmmm-I guess I will have to ask Dr.Singh when I see him.PC said I would have overs prob cos lots of excess skin-was a dd before feeding kids and went up few sizes when feeding -now a saggy acup and bcup-totally different:(


    I had unders with both ba’s simply beacuse I had no skin. With both BA’s it was quite apparent that you could tell I had implants as both times I had the biggest I could and my skin was stretched to capacity. Everybody has there own opinions on unders / overs… I can only talk from experience. I found the implant does appear smaller as it is hidden under the muscle. My boobs stayed up there for years(1st BA) having unders ..however I regulary went to the gym and did chest presses to exercise the muscle to keep it firm and I found this stopped them sagging and made them look firmer. Now i have bigger under the muscle (2nd BA)I will have to see what happens??? I would imagine they will drop quicker than the 340ccs?? Better get chest pressing more at the gym hehe!!.
    If you have the skin there to start with then most surgeons opt for overs as this fills excess skin that you have. Unders are really for ladies who have little breast tissue ,the breast muscle is cut ,so a surgeon would not do this if you have the room. Surgeons also can do partial over/unders but I really am not sure the reasons for this.


    Oooooh weird complicated stuff!Well I defo have way too much excess skin so i assume they would do overs but I am worried cos they saggy after losing wieght and breastfeeding that overs will sag more later.I can’t afford an uplift so matter of seeing what Dr.Singh can do to help I guess.Fingers crossed for me please????xxxx


    p.s.thank you for explaining

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