Unhappy customers Started by: Kirsty

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  • Kirsty 12

    Hello! Been considering a boob job for about 5 years and I’m only 22 ? however I have been looking on here a lot and most of it looks negative most people are unhappy with the size they’ve been left with or they aren’t happy with they way they sit for example they are too far apart etc and obviously I don’t want to send ££££ on boobs to not be happy with the end result! It seems like a big gamble and I don’t think it should be a gamble… you should know what your getting and then be happy because you got what you wanted…

    • This topic was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by myamoderator 138. Reason: Mentioning costs is against MYA's community guidelines
    Assymetric 50

    I think it’s unrealistic to think you’re going to get exactly what you want, medicine is limited to what it can achieve, mixed with what your body will allow, most of the time you get the best that can be expected with the tools that the surgeons work with.

    Sometime soon it’s our own anatomy that can cause the negative results – large gaps, assymetery, not big enough – other times, yes it’s the surgeon – pockets too big/small, put too big/small implant in – but I think mostly people are usually happy with the end result and understand the limitations.

    If you do your research and don’t have too high expectations then I don’t think the gamble is that big – of course you can’t account for surgeons who are not great, or aftercare that isn’t great but that’s where your research is important.

    Assymetric 50

    Sometimes it’s*

    Becca 168

    I’m really happy with my results! I’ve gone from Beirut to Baywatch! I’d love to have been able to go bigger I won’t lie but my surgeon was very honest with me and prepared me well beforehand to help me to understand that my natural boobs were just too small to fit any bigger sized implant in, and so therefore I’ve got the biggest size I could have possibly got. Absolutely no regrets whatsoever!

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by Becca 168.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by Becca 168.
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    Kirsty 12

    I think my main worry is I will pick the wrong surgeon or I will go too small as that seems to be what most people complain about it after the surgery… I’ve spoken to a few MYA girls and I have my consultation on the 2nd of feb and I want my surgery in March or April? ?? But obviously I am scared that I will be one of the unlucky ones who gets it wrong ?

    Becca 168

    You just need to really think about the size you want to achieve and try on as many different sizes as you can until you feel absolutely confident in making a choice. Also speaking with a number of different surgeons to get a few different perspectives may be a good idea. Just take your time, something as big as this does take a lot of consideration and so you’re best not to rush, you’ll know when you feel ready.

    Gemma 17

    I find with on here that a lot of girls are unhappy with the size. But you have to find the right surgeon and trust them, they won’t go bigger then you need. I have watched a lot of bothed (the tv show)and what I can figure out Wen you go bigger then you should the more problems you will have. I would rather have a nice size implant that is suited for my body than go for something that’s gonna make look massive and potentially cause me problems. A lot of girls that I have seen on here have had really nice work done. If my turn out like them I will be happy x

    Kirsty 12

    I think what scares me the most is having boobs that are too far apart or having my nipples look like they’re trying to run away from one another…. Which is what I have seen on a few people on here. I just want boobs that are bigger than the ones I have to go from a Flat D to a perky round E/F and I actually want a Cleavage for once

    Hayley 48

    I’ve seen a lot of negativity lately too, I have wanted my boobs done for over twelve years and I still definitely want them done. It just makes you think twice and worry, like you said I’m constantly worrying now whether I will be the unlucky one who’s op goes bad etc. I’m really Squemish too so the thought of something like that happening is filling me full of dread plus the other half would never let me live it down. I’d constantly get I told you so, your fault etc. I have a consultation with Mr Mounir next month so I’m hoping that puts me at ease xx

    Kirsty 12

    I’m glad I’m not the only one who’s SO would rub it in! I means BECCA’S boobs look good! I’ve had my lips done before and they didn’t go to plan but that was only 180 so it wasn’t such as a big deal! Plus it gets Reabsorbed into the body but implants Once put in have to be taken out if your not happy… it would be better if I had someone to rally with me like we have all gone through it or want to go through it….. I guess we can’t let fear stop us ??‍♀️ But still I want more than a 50/50 chance of it going right ☺️

    Nicola 44

    Your boobs and nipples will only be what you have now hun. But just bigger. They can’t change the shape and size on the boob. And if u want ur nipples changed you’ll have to get areola lift etc

    Hayley 48

    That’s what I thought but seeing some photos lately have made me think twice as the actual shape has changed or the placement has changed and the surgeons have not agreed revision. It’s such a big decision, I see some great op outcomes but lately there’s been so many bad ones xx

    Kirsty 12

    I guess we need to make sure and be certain that we are okay with our surgeons before going ahead with it, and speaking to the people who have had the surgeon you’re thinking of having do the procedure that way your having these conversations And Airing our concerns to people and having people who have actually gone through it keeping us calm is probably the best…

    Heidi 217

    I’m only 20 and was 19 when i got them done, absolutely love my results and couldn’t fault the whole experience from my surgeon, after care etc. Wish i could do it all again! Was so self conscious before and now i love my body, also we’re not allowed to discuss prices but that’s a lot more than i paid? Xxx

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    Hayley 48

    It’s been the opposite for me lol apart from the odd few I’ve been inundated with people contacting me about the surgeons I was thinking of going with saying please don’t. There’s good and bad I suppose xx

    Kirsty 12

    I think most girls here are going from small to big where as I am going from a very flat D to a potential E/F I genuinely want round perky boobs like Heidi! Yours look great! Who was your surgeon?!

    Heidi 217

    Ahh true, i had Mr Marcellino who was amazing! Theres more of his work on his instagram too if you’re interested:)

    Monica 122

    Kirsty you just need to trust your surgeon.
    If you’re not sure, go and see a few of them. But I think the point is to listen and stick to what they suggest.
    I’ve noticed that the best results get young, slim girls with firm boobs and no kids. What doesn’t mean ofc that others can’t get what they want. Not everyone posts photos here and MYA does thousands of surgeries over a year. Lately unfortunately we had quite a few unhappy girls but there are many more happy ones I’m sure.
    You need to take that into account too.
    Just tell the surgeon your expectations and ask him to be 100% realistic with what you can get. I’m sure with this approach you would be able to decide and end up happily with beautiful breast xxx

    Kirsty 12

    Thanks Monica and Heidi… feeling better about it now ☺️ ???? Hopefully Hayley is more reassured too!

    Monica 122

    Fingers crossed girls? That’s a big decision you’re not going to regret at the end xx

    Hayley 48

    Thank you everyone, talking on here and on Instagram is helping xx

    Rebecca 29

    Dr Mounir did my boobs on Monday and i can’t recommend him enough, he listened to what i wanted and i’m so happy with my new boobs already!

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    Becca 168

    Rebecca they look absolutely fabulous! What size did you have?

    Monica 122

    Wow Rebecca! Looking amazing!
    Were you under or over the muscle?
    You must be happy already xx

    Megan 57

    I’m getting mine done next week and I’m not worried, I had a couple of different consultations and I’m going into it feeling confident. I guess it depends how much you want it done and if you choose to focus on the positives or the negatives. Every operation has possible downfalls but I’ve seen so many girls on here who look incredible afterwards and they’re so happy with their new boobs! Just keep looking round and speaking with different surgeons/girls etc until you feel confident with your decision. It took me 3 years to eventually bite the bullet and get it done x

    Hayley 48

    I’m going to go to my consultation with Mr Mounir and decide from there. I really liked Mr Traynor when I met him and have seen some great results from him recently too. Thanks everyone xx

    Monica 122

    True Megan. I’ve always wanted to have it done, since like ages so no matter what I would have gone for it anyway.

    Good luck Hayley xx

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by Monica 122.
    Hayley 48

    Thank you Monica xx

    Becca 168

    Hayley, it will be so interesting for you to compare the suggestions and recommendations from both surgeons to see how greatly opinion may differ between the two. I’m especially interested as these are the two surgeons I had to choose from at MYA, too. I only met with Dr. Mounir, but wonder if I may have ended up with something totally different perhaps if I had met with Dr. Traynor. Please keep us posted!

    Hayley 48

    I will do Becca. It will be interesting to see what Mr Mounir says. Mr Traynor was straight up and said if I wanted I could have a uplift but he didn’t deem it necessary but he did say that at some point in the future it would probably be needed but he couldn’t say for definite. He also said that the biggest he would do would be 350cc and that way it would hopefully reduce the need for an uplift sooner as my body could personally handle smaller plants, I didn’t get a choice of over or infers either he just said overs as I have some bottom boob if that makes any sense lol xx

    Kirsty 12

    Has anyone on here had an uplift? I think I’ll want/need one and I am scared of the scars that will go from the nipple down aren’t really worried about the other scars as they will be hidden with the boob crease.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by Kirsty 12.
    Becca 168

    Yeah, for me it’s the uplift or not, overs or unders and maximum size points that I always wonder about! I was recommended an uplift but I didn’t go for it. I was told the absolute biggest size I could go to was 430cc. I also had a lot of bottom boob compared to top boob and I was recommended unders.

    All scars will fade significantly in time, I’ve seen pictures of girls even just four weeks post op where their scars around and below the nipple are already looking really good.

    Hayley 48

    It’s weird isn’t it how people can be the same stats etc yet some surgeons recommend unders and others overs. Xx

    Kirsty 12

    I think I have more under boob than top boob…. so I think I’ll get overs? But I am not sure…. my boobs are asymmetrical as well or at least I think they are? It’s like I have one boob that’s a D and one boob that’s a C So I think I might need different sized implants but I’ve also seen people who have had asymmetrical boobs and have them had the same size implants on both size ??‍♀️ I am unsure about practically everything ?

    Hayley 48

    It will definitely become more clearer after a consultation or two. Then it just becomes a choice of who to go with lol we’ll get there! (Hopefully in my case in april) xx

    Kirsty 12

    Yes! I wanna book in for April too but it’s looking unrealistic ?

    Hayley 48

    If I don’t do it in April I won’t be able to til the end of the year by then my financial situation may have changed (it shouldn’t of but you never know) I have a holiday for a week in New York the beginning of August so I need to be healed for that and then I’m away in September for a week so that would leave the end of the year. To be honest thou I want boobs for my holiday in September lol xx

    Kirsty 12

    It’s always good to have it planned I want mine done and fully healed and settled for my bday in October ☺️ But it looks like I might have to wait until October to get booked in

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by Kirsty 12.
    Hayley 48

    I rang Mya Newcastle earlier and they really helped, just talking to someone properly about it all. I hope you manage to get them done and settled for your birthday! I’d just like them for the beach lol it would be nice to feel comfy in a bikini and actually look ok too xx

    Hayley 48

    It’s my first ever beach holiday in September and we aren’t taking the kids so I’m wanting them for that. Plus it’ll be an excuse for some nicer clothes to show them off over there ? xx

    Becca 168

    I had some mild asymmetry before my surgery and my surgeon advised that he may need to use different sized implant in each, but on the day of surgery when he put them in he didn’t feel that the difference was significant enough to require it, and therefore I’ve just had the same size in both.

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