Hi girls
Is there anybody on here who has had a re op?
I am really unhappy with my results! The size is good but they are really uneven.
My right breast is so much higher than my left, so much so it is really visible through tight tops if I don’t wear a bra. Even when wearing a bra my cleavage is uneven, Im constantly aware of it and it’s making me miserable.
The scar on my right breast is not in the crease either but lower than it should be so is visible still, I am 11 weeks post op! I saw my surgeon at my six wk check who told me to wear a breast band but it’s not helped!!! I’m going back to see her on 3rd October!
Has anyone else been in a similar situation?
who is your surgeon jo? sorry to hear your unhappy x
Hi Hollie, my surgeon is Marion grob, she’s a lovely lady and I’ve not heard anything negative about her, I’ve only heard great things from her other patients, think I was just unlucky! X
Add me honey. My results are pretty bad / uneven Waiting to hear back from head office still….xx
Hi bethy, we are already friends x thanks Heather can I ask what it is you’re unhappy with. X
Hi I have the same issue I’m a year post op now I wrote a letter to head office who basically said it was all my fault.
I always had my my left boob smaller than the right so I was told I would have a larger implant in the left and smaller one in the right, I was having 280cc and 300.
A few weeks before op I decided I want to go bigger so I messaged my patient coordinator who told me she would order bigger implants for the day. On arriving for my op I was rushed through the whole thing my surgeon asked if I still wanted the two different sizes and I explained that I would leave that to his judgement and had he got the bigger implants, to my dissapointment he had no idea about other implants they were not there. I decided to have the original size implants anyway.
After the op I felt immediately one side was different which I told my pc straight away and was told it was swelling. Later I was told my surgeon had used different implants but put them in the other way around so I had the bigger implant in the bigger boob and small implant in the small boob as they looked better this way due to my chest wall.
I told Mya from the start about the size difference and to wait until they settled but after 6 months I had given them plenty of time to settle and in bras my one boob and nipple would pop out of the bra and i was not happy so I wrote a letter and they came back at me saying I never said anything about size difference and at all post ops I never mentioned anything which I did so it is basically tough, I have no way of proving anything and I am stuck with these boobs unless I pay another 4k.
Hi Jessica, I really feel for you, hope u get it sorted.
I have finally managed to upload a couple of pictures so feel free to add me to take a look and offer advice/opinions, anyone adding me could u just send a little message first please.
Thanks girls x
jessica1590, your file will have your consultations with the surgeon, and I have seen mine. There is a standard picture of breasts, and the surgeon writes the implant sizes on each one, and the measurements. You also sign the consent on these pages. You need to request to see them. I was recently in for a reop, and looked through my file while waiting, and could see all my details clearly.
They will still have your original file a year on.
‘complaint2’ stop writing the same thing on all the posts – once is enough
I am post op 4 years had same size implants both sides, but my right boob has dropped but the left one has not and is still a bit too high
I have exactly the same problem. Left is perfect and squishie but the right is high but nipple low? So without a bra i look sooooo wonky I have my 3month po check next week and hoping something can be done but tbh it’s either CC or pocket too small so think I’m gonna have to have another op! Hope the naughty boobs sort themselves out soon x
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