Unhappy with size Started by: Bethxxx

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  • Bethxxx 1

    So I got mine done on 15th May, I asked to be around a size D. I was a size A anyway and now I’m around a size C. I only got 325cc and already wanting them bigger. But they did say they can’t guarantee a bra size. I’ve paid all that money I don’t want to just pay again, it’s a lot of money and I’m still not happy with them, is there anything I can do?? HELP

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by myamoderator 138. Reason: Mentioning costs is against MYA's community guidelines
    georgia 12

    I’d speak with your patient coordinator and see what they said as they’ll know best. I do think in the contract it says a revision can be done up to 3 years so i’d ask xxx

    Bethxxx 1

    Great thank you!! Obviously I prefer them to before but just want them a size bigger hahah xxx

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