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  • Nicole

    Hey ladies,

    Feeling crap n annoyed today! Was telling my best friend all about my surgery plans and that and shes just been very unsupportive wasnt excited for me, even though she knows Ive suffered with my boobs for such a long time! Just made funny comment about the company being dodgy because SHE never heard of them (Transform). My op on saturday and I already have my boyfriend being unsupportive and now her! I feel so pissed of and annoyed! Ive told a few of my other good friends and they have been wonderful and REALLY excited for me but she whose suppose to be my best friend was just a cow! People in general aren’t positive about breast surgery but last year she was talking about getting her bum done!!! Grrr x

    Am I the only one whose experienced this?


    I could have written this post! I have 2 best friends. One is brilliant, the other is so self absorbed she doesn’t give 2 hoots! It’s very upsetting as it is a big deal to me. My mum said its jealousy. It could be I guess. My husband isn’t on board with it either (although coming round very slowly) so it can feel quite lonely. Thank god for this board!

    If I were you I’d just not talk about it to her. That’s the decision I’ve made. And if she brings it up fine, but anything negative just explain this is a very big deal for you, you’re extremely nervous and you’d appreciate it if she didn’t express her negative thoughts on it and just try and reassure you. She can’t argue with that!

    I think with my friend it’s because if her husband didn’t want her to have it done then she wouldn’t and expects me to be the same. So she’s really siding with my husband. Although I would NEVER take marriage advice from her!! Grrr



    Yeahhh exactly! Thanks hun xx

    ayshababy 5

    I had the same from two friends of mine its all jealousy trust me ignore it x

    Rachel -1

    Get rid of your friend is what I would suggest!! She ain’t no friend I’m sorry to say xx


    Thanks girls! Talking to another friend about it today, I just have no time for her anymore! Xxx


    One of my friends called me a whore when I said I wanted my boobs done. Nice! She said it’s attention seeking and pathetic. But she’s an F, and she’s happy to wear corsets??? I was completely confused.
    My mum didn’t get the whole thing at first either, she said I should be happy as I am (completely flat). But since talking about it with her she’s more supportive and wishes she could be with me on the op day.
    My husband loves me as I am, and he says I can do whatever I want to be happy. But he’s a bit confused by it too.
    Your friend sounds jealous – Transform adverts are everywhere, even people who aren’t looking at cosmetic work have heard of them.
    Good luck with your surgery, and ignore people’s silly responses.
    This is the 21st century, a boob job is no different to having a facial at a spa (in terms of trying to look your best, not in terms of seriousness and whatnot)
    Don’t let people get you down!

    Rachel -1

    Deborah, sounds like a serious case of jealousy your friend had there!! X


    People will always be jealous. And people will always judge. having surgery is your decision people should support you. I think anyone who chooses surgery is brave and every negative person should just be overlooked. Good luck hun xxx

    Rachel -1

    Well said ^^ xx


    IT’S JEALOUSY!!! I had mine done three weeks ago today and it is the most amazing thing I have ever made in my life. The best decision I could have ever made! Don’t throw away having amazing boobs for a jealous friend! xxxx


    Wow thanks Deborah hope u ditched ur friend! x


    Thanks charlie n leah.. I dont care anymore i got supportive people around me so I’m happy!! SO EXCITED ITS ON SATURDAY!!


    Ok if I add u ladies x

    leigh taylor -4

    Jealous friend and insecure boyfriend by the sounds of it! X

    leigh taylor -4

    And don’t let anyone spoil it for you. It’s your life, you only live once so go for it!! Big boobs rock! X


    I have not told any of my friends, I already know they would be unsupportive. I think it takes a situation like this to learn who your real friends are! I`m just trying to stay focused on why I want the surgery , its for me and no one else.
    That’s why I think this forum is so helpful , to be able to talk to people in the same situation who are supportive of your choice. Chin up and good luck x


    Haha thanks leigh! Surprisingly last night my boyfriend was asking a lot of questions about it (I didn’t give him any info before) so i THINK he’s getting over it and coming round! FORGET the friend!

    Yeah very true Tan and I’m lucky that apart from her the rest of my friends have been great, they know its something Ive wanted since I was 15!

    Surgery is TOMORROW so I’m just gonna enjoy this moment! Xx


    Sure feel free babe xxx

    Katie -1

    Your friend is very jealous and extremely insecure. She is worried urs will b better than hers and if hers are real then she will be very angry and resentful about that. You should analyse/ re-evaluate ur friendship and take a step back from her. Have a break from her and think about why you are friends. If there are more bad traits than good, ur better off without her. Friends support u, they don’t judge, no matter what. You do this for you, you don’t need to worry about anyone else judging you cz if they are, they rnt worth your time and love xx

    Helen -2

    I’m too scared to talk to my mum about it! I know immediately she’l just tell me i’m stupid and should be happy! But she doesn’t seem to understand! My boyfriend tells me he loves my body and he doesn’t want me to change it but he will support me! Do you think it’s possible to have it done in secret? My boyfriend would obviously notice but im sure my mum wouldn’t!

    Katie -1

    I tried getting away with not telling mum but I was at a consultation n because I had an appointment with the coordinator the same day I was in manchester all day so my bf told my parents. He had good intentions, he can’t lie. But I’m not telling anyone else. Everyone else will think I have a water infection because that’s what I’ll tell them. Maybe u should too. A water infection is something where it really hurts so might get away with it. X

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