Unsure Started by: Sophie Clare

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  • Sophie Clare 17

    Hi girls,

    Haven’t been on here for a while. I have been to two surgeon consultations and was offered 450 overs to get me to a DD. Im 5ft 6, 10st and size 10 top 12 bottom.

    I had to postpone organising or thinking about my procedure when my car gave up on me had to take out a small bank loan to cover the cost of a new car.

    I have always wanted this procedure since I was young and I have been setting myself deadlines when to book my procedure by but things keep getting in the way, like my car change of job aad money circumstances.

    Long story short, im unsure I even want the procedure at the moment even though its something ive always wanted…I think I need to contact my pc to get back into the loop surely I can find more money ways to have time off work an fixed my decisions regarding implants an surgeon.

    Is anyone feeling the same unsure or worried? Xxxx


    Hey! I’m feeling exactly the same, I haven’t even had a consultation yet, I keep over thinking it so much! Thinking I could put the money towards other things, what about if I don’t like my new boobs after having it done, will I be in lots of pain afterwards etc! But then I have wanted the procedure done for so many years. So I think I need to stop over thinking it and just get booked in xx


    I think if you are unsure about the procedure now don’t get it done untill you know 100% you want it done. I love mine and have no regrets. Katie about the pain i was in a lot of pain for about 8 days but after then i felt so good. So 8 days of pain is nothing compared to the rest of your life with lovely boobs.


    Did you have unders or overs Jamie? X

    Sophie Clare 17

    Exactly that katie. I don’t have the cash so id need another loan or something which puts me off but ive always wanted the procedure especially after my consultations I was ready and up for it then my car broke and had time to re think again and again what if.. such a pain because I know want them done just dont 100 percent have the money or support just yet xxx

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