Unsure :( First time taking Macom off! Started by: Sophie

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  • Sophie 15

    So my new bra came and i wanted to try it on!! 34E and it won’t go round me!!! I really do hope that’s swelling!

    Anyway…. I’m really unsure of my boobs… I know it’s early days but I feel like they look terrible!!! 🙁 I’m hoping it’s just coz they’re still strapped up but they look like they hate each other 🙁

    Argh?! :.(

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    Gemma 29

    Probably still early days hun. Everyones healing time is completely diferent. Persoanlly i thnk they look amazing.

    Sophie 15

    I know and I’m trying very hard not to compare but feeling really disheartened at the mo! Thank you though xx

    Donna 12

    Mine went through a stage of looking like they’d fallen out with each other lol
    They do Change though , you look very early days it took mine at least 10 weeks to look better and now 5 months on they still change
    Yours look great though , just give it time ! Xx

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