Today I am 19DPO ( almost 3 weeks).
The first week for me was so difficult. However, I was so happy with the results, even though I was bandaged and began to have a bad back/numb bum.
Week 2 – This was the best. Being told I could shower, sleep lying down and just generally having movement in my arms was lovely.
Day 18 – I had my first shower. Apart from the fact that I really did feel like they will drop at any point, I was also very aware of the fact that I had to keep shampoo and any product away from the incisions (which was mission impossible honestly!)
I was so conscious of doing harm to my decision so I didn’t fully enjoy my first shower.
Day 19 – Possibly through movement of the sports bra a part of the scab on my incision has came off. Which led to excess bleeding. Naturally I panicked and ran straight to the clinic, where the lovely nurse reassured me and bandaged me up again.
Apparently there was a blood pocket behind the scab, which opened thus resulting in a lot of blood.
However, I am now writing this at 22:16, 6 hours after my visit and yes. I am bleeding again.
I feel so frustrated with myself because I cannot take any more time off work and the whole healing process is taking so long.
I am 3 weeks on Sunday and I feel like I’m back to stage 1.
I will be going to see the nurse again tomorrow.
Has anybody else experienced this before??