update Started by: Pepperpot

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    Hi girls. just an update, i saw mr K today and he has put me at ease..he has given me some really harsh massage manipulation techniques..im going to do this for 6 weeks and then see him again. he says he’s 99% sure that this will work. he says if it does not then he will sort it for me by re-op!! so im happy. however he says that the reason that they are like this is because my spine is slightly bent (i never knew as its not noticeable) and because one chest bone is higher than the other and one rib is higer than the other..again never knew. however if i have a revision on the left there is no guarentee they will be even as they could fo uneven the other way! so alot to consider..just fingers crossed the manipulation massage helps!! 🙂 xx

    Hannah 1

    Good Luck Huni 🙂 hope it works for you!! xxx


    Thanks chick xx


    Fingers crossed for you huni xx


    That’s good news? I hope the message techniques works for you so you don’t need the re-op xx

    Cherry91 -1

    I have scoliosis to, wasn’t aware of it till my surgeon told me at consultation, it’s made my chest go in as a funnel. Hope the massaging works for you 🙂 xxx


    Thanks girls!! i think theres quite alot of us girls who have it and dont even know!! xx

    Misfion 3

    Thats really good news Pepperpot – not the curve obvs but the fact he is so certain it can be sorted and you have the back up of re op. Get squishing those boobies 🙂 xxx

    Chloe 1

    I have a slight curve to my spine I will have to make sure i let my surgeon no!!! x


    Thanks misfion!! fingers crossed 🙂 xx


    Whats happend hun? From ur post at top re chest wall etc.. My surgeon told me i had tht too.. Whats happenes to ur boobs?x


    Apparently the higher rib can push the muscle up xxx

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