Uplift and breast enlargement Started by: Smithr

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  • Smithr

    I’m having surgery in just over 5 weeks but have a couple of questions if anyone can help me.
    1- what bra do I wear straight after surgery?
    2- pain, what sort of pain should I expect?
    3- how long was it before you could wear a normal bra?
    4- what do I need take to the hospital?
    5- can you do everything as normal, like washing hair etc? Xx

    Misslarner 9

    Hey Hun I have just had an uplift
    I bought my post op bras from ASDA online sooo comfy
    Can’t stand my macome bra that I payed stupid money for
    To the hospital I took button up pjs to come out in, my PO bra, toiletries, a hair band withought metal on it
    Plenty of mags and my iPad and snacks for after (but I didn’t eat any)
    And baby wipes x
    I’m now 3 days Po and in no pain at all they just feel a bit tight and itchy!
    Hope this helps x


    1. Front fastening sports bra but if you have strapping then you don’t have to for the first week I only have if I’ve gone out for extra support
    2. It’s more discomfort than pain but everyone is completely different and it depends on how big your going what size you started at as the skin has to stretch I think just prepare yourself for the worst and you will be relived that it’s not as bad
    3. You can’t wear normal bras for 6 weeks you have to wear your sports bra you will be told on your 6 week check if your okay to start wearing wired bras again
    4. Clean underwear, wipes, magazines or something to keep you entertained, baggy loose clothes to go home, snacks if you get a bit hungry after, a drink for after something like a juice I think fizzy drinks would give you a belly ache
    5. The first week I would say don’t do anything, depending on how you feel after will give you an indication of what you will be able to do I can tie my hair up move around okay but I still got my mum to wash my hair and get me drinks because the smallest pull or stretch you don’t want to risk anything your body will tell you what’s enough and if your doing to much

    Hope this helps 🙂 xxxxx


    1: Macom sports bras are amazing! They fasten in the front making it easy to put on. They are so comfy that I still wear it as a sports bra and I know they are on the more pricey side but you will not regret getting one.
    2: Like a baby elephant on chest- the pain is actually not too bad. after 3-5 days co-dydramol will help and make it bearable for you but depends if it is over or under the muscle.
    3: 12 weeks
    4: Slippers, zip up jumper, macom sports bra, entertainment since you will just be laying there! laptop? Magazine? Food, hair bows
    5:You won’t be able to lift your arms in the first week or so above your shoulders. You should avoid swift movements and I would recommend washing your hair the night before your surgery. The first week after I asked one of my friends to wash my hair while I leaned over the bathtub but it is very heavy on the chest- believe me I tried it!
    hope this helps xx


    Thank you all so much this really helps! Appreciate all your advice. Hope you’re all okay xxx

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