1. Front fastening sports bra but if you have strapping then you don’t have to for the first week I only have if I’ve gone out for extra support
2. It’s more discomfort than pain but everyone is completely different and it depends on how big your going what size you started at as the skin has to stretch I think just prepare yourself for the worst and you will be relived that it’s not as bad
3. You can’t wear normal bras for 6 weeks you have to wear your sports bra you will be told on your 6 week check if your okay to start wearing wired bras again
4. Clean underwear, wipes, magazines or something to keep you entertained, baggy loose clothes to go home, snacks if you get a bit hungry after, a drink for after something like a juice I think fizzy drinks would give you a belly ache
5. The first week I would say don’t do anything, depending on how you feel after will give you an indication of what you will be able to do I can tie my hair up move around okay but I still got my mum to wash my hair and get me drinks because the smallest pull or stretch you don’t want to risk anything your body will tell you what’s enough and if your doing to much
Hope this helps 🙂 xxxxx